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Get your Vote in Now!

21 years ago
Hey everybody! The end of the $100 contest is coming shortly, so I'm hoping to get some feedback from everybody. What do you think is the best game on the website, which deserves to win the prize money? Any reason that you think it should win wouldalso be helpful.

re:Get your Vote in Now!

21 years ago
Obviously I am biased, as I made the game myself, but I am going to have to vote for blunder brain bob baldwin of baltimore in: No escape.

If I were to provide a reason to back up my recommendation, it would be that the game includes many hilarious and well thought out pictures that blend well together with the game and makes you think about everyday things in a new light. This combination makes for a hilarious game that without these elements would not come close to deserving the grand prize.

re:Get your Vote in Now!

21 years ago
I don't know wether to vote for Finals week or The real Cana vs you

re:Get your Vote in Now!

21 years ago
I think MARIOS ADVENTURE ISLAND games should win cause they are so good.

re:Get your Vote in Now!

21 years ago
I also hope its one of my games

re:Get your Vote in Now!

21 years ago
Well my own game Chess Master Stan DESERVES to win, but not everyone loves that game as much as I do, so My vote is gonna go out so far for that The Bachelor Game. It's sweeet. I also like Finals week but a birdie told me that that game can't win.

re:Get your Vote in Now!

21 years ago
Well, I dont know... I like alot of them. The only one i dont understand is Lodins Quest. Its the worst game on here, and yet it got good feed back...wierd