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Questions about a storygame? Thoughts on Eternal? Any other IF you're playing out there?

locked out 2?

15 years ago

Can't beat it... I got the quarters, but that's when I got stuck...

locked out 2?

15 years ago
Sucks to be you then :P ;)

locked out 2?

15 years ago

locked out 2?

15 years ago

Youre all retards

locked out 2?

15 years ago
Say's the arse with a dancing banana.

locked out 2?

15 years ago



locked out 2?

15 years ago


locked out 2?

15 years ago

Says the arse that actually took the time to change his avatar just because we made fun of it. (I wonder what else we could get you to do...)

Ha ha, you're alive, ha ha that's funny...*hint hint*



locked out 2?

15 years ago
ok, I just rofl'd, like actually almost fell off my chair.

locked out 2?

15 years ago
lol @ expander's profile. Like we're actually going to believe that you're a college student.

locked out 2?

15 years ago

I rated that game a negative infinity because I think it deserved that rating. And I changed my avatar because I finally found a decent picture of that guy. Haven't you also realised that

locked out 2?

15 years ago

lol, if you changed it because you found a decent picture, why would you change it again? lol, i love stupid people. They're so funny.


locked out 2?

15 years ago
Bahahah Expander, for a college student, you're pretty brain-dead. You've also totally crossed the line in rating his story like that, although I must admit that your futility makes me laugh, so perhaps it's funny. Anyways, prepare to by systematically destroyed wherever you go :)

locked out 2?

15 years ago
(and by a mere highschool student no less)

locked out 2?

15 years ago

Just keep this in mind Expander. If you stick around, you may become one the lengendary fuck-ups.

(redeye, ipod, bob, you know)


locked out 2?

15 years ago

Replying to the "Wow you must take stupidity with you wherever you go" thing, yes I do. I failed computer science and am taking a college class on it. Why? Because I like computers. I'm just too stupid to know a lot about them.

And I asked for HELP with a GAME and you told my I was a sucky arse. Big help you are.

locked out 2?

15 years ago

Yes, you were JOKING. I'd like to hear someone believe you whose not as retarded as yourself or 3J. Or any of your friends for that matter.

locked out 2?

15 years ago
"Sucks to be you then", "funny youtube links".

Those were the two posts that sparked you to go whackjob on us. You're not in college, I don't buy that, and if you really think that those two are "serious" posts, then you've only further solidified my belief. Oh, and I'm sure somewhere near 99% of HIGHSCHOOL students have dropped the "retard" insult. That's just fucking stupid. Perhaps you should try harder, to pass as something you're not.

locked out 2?

14 years ago

Whoa how did you make this appear on your profile?

locked out 2?

14 years ago

simple copy and paste
