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12 years ago

Hey guys, do any of you watch the Rugby World Cup?


12 years ago
This is a mostly American site, but there are Canadians and Australians that come here so they might know about it. Personally, I've only seen a rugby game on the TV once in my life by accident. I loved it.


12 years ago

aww :( I'm from Berlin and I watch it, lol.


12 years ago

I actually always figured this place to be mostly Canadian/Australian... But that might be 'cause some of the older guys, JJJ and Solostrike come to mind, October and Rommel (I think).  I mean, no one seems to make it a priority to say what country their from, haha, but just thinking back to random CYS moments, I just kinda figured.

But to answer the question, I don't keep up with rugby at all, no. :o  I knew a guy back in the college dorms who was on the team though, and asked me to come to a game once or twice... but rugby's no so much my thing and also he's not my friend, haha, so it was weird when he asked.


12 years ago

Yeah, Rommel's Australian. As is Miccy2000 and tsmpaul.


12 years ago


As for rugby, it's a major sport in Queensland and New South Wales but the rest of Australia follows the national sport (AFL, a uniquely Australian sport). Of course, there are rugby fans all over Australia, just as there are many AFL fans in NSW and Queensland, but down here in Victoria I don't really hear or care much about the rugby. I didn't even know the world cup for it was on to be honest.


12 years ago
I wasn't aware there was a world cup for Rugby in the first place haha. People in my part of the US mostly just follow football (American version).


12 years ago

Yeah its been quite good so far, the atmosphere in Auckland is amazing atm. Defintely alot better than when the America's Cup use to be in NZ which is saying some thing.


12 years ago

Ive tried to keep up wir\th it, i play on a highschool team here in the US, but i havent been able to catch the world cup that often.