Arthe6351, The Contributor

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2/6/2025 1:11 PM

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8 wins / 7 losses





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Ignore this on 8/6/2015 12:03:34 PM

Please ignore this. I was a dumbfuck 12 year old.

Eragon on 8/6/2015 11:48:41 AM

cause i wanted to.

hahahahahahah(evil laugh)"another forum Thread necro'ed successfully"

Honestly:I never bother to check these dates ya know.

So if you notice these bloops ignore them. 

Eragon on 7/24/2015 4:47:32 PM

It would be the Inheritance Quartet(Eragon,Eldest,Brisingr,Inheritance)

P.S Brisingr was the best in my opinion.

Top Five Favorite Books on 7/24/2015 4:41:43 PM

1 ) A Song of Ice and Fire(George R.R Martin)

2 ) Harry Potter and The Philosophers Stone(J.K Rowling)

3 ) Inheritance Cycle(Christopher Paolini)

4 ) Oregon Files(Clive Cussler)

5 ) The Bible( Various Authors)

All except No.2 are series.But all of them were too good.