Bentley_Stein, The Reader

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8/14/2014 8:49 PM

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Hello, hello! on 8/14/2014 8:04:50 PM

Crazy? Being cool!?

It's not cool, it's more like being thrown in a blender with psychadelic muskrats and a potato vulture whilst being thoroughly convinced by the voice of William Shatner that space-time itself is protrayed in a mentally manipulatable form on the grid on your sheet of algebra homework and suddenly realizing your dining wheelchair was backwards the whole time. I forgot where I was going with that, but it had something to do with gloves, I'm sure.

Hello, hello! on 8/14/2014 7:09:41 PM

Can't, as a transdimensional space yeti, the only earthly food my stomach accepts is salmon, (Which totally counts as vegetarian, because fish are stupid, don't have thoughts, and therefore no act towards them could possibly be considered cruel.) piss-free snow, and artichokes. Occasionally with butter and olive oil, but without the olive oil and vegetable, butter can swiftly become toxic.

Hello, hello! on 8/14/2014 6:56:20 PM

Can't. Vegetarian.

Hello, hello! on 8/14/2014 6:47:25 PM

And now that Elton John song is stuck in my head.

Anyway, here I am. I've been lurking since Natalow went away and created fake accounts for reasons other than the 10 year old's habit of  "Love me, I'm crazy, just look at my poorly differentiated multiple personalities with differences more or less based entirely on mood!" and other self indulgences. Much like the self indulgence of that one catporn-cranking furry with multiple accounts that y'all ragged on. Not Mousepaw, the one with mildly good grammar. However, despite my education on the subject, I'm actually NOT Natalow, OR Silverpaw. Or TSR for that matter. I'm not even Bob or ALF or AdmiralAckbarr's Norweigian half-cousin who lives in a coffee shop in Berlin stalking plus-sized redheads. I'm someone who's never been here before, save to read a few stories and not rate them because the voice of the anonymous means positively fuck all. Not that that's a bad thing, really. And I find you all too hilarious and awesome to avoid talking to. So, here I am.

Bentley Stein, as I am to be called. A name based on my favorite video game character (At least just when he's in my favorite video game...) and my favorite musical artist, Rammstein. Can't understand more than 3 words of it, but Du Haast kicks ass.