DjFlameDaBeast, The Reader
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Current Project: Dj's zombie apocalypse.
Also doing rap battles @
In this elaborated FanFiction of the Twilight Zone, you must find your way out.
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Chapters and Links on 1/26/2014 5:30:53 PMDo you know how to do that?
Chapters and Links on 1/26/2014 4:05:47 PM
In my first storygame, the player has several shops to buy from throughout the game.
I want them to have access to them at all times, but when I made the third chapter, I saw that I would have to make the shop pages ALL OVER AGAIN! #Urrggghhh
Will I have to make the items in the shops twice, one for each chapter, or can I just copy an entire page from the second chapter to the third chapter?
My First StoryGame on 1/26/2014 3:51:02 PM
There is now money in the game, as various types of bullets, guns, and ammo.
You go to your house to sleep to advance the main storyline.
I will publish this game after 5 Main Events, but will be constantly adding on to it
My First StoryGame on 1/25/2014 6:14:53 PM
The game takes place in a further year. You may have laser weapons, etc.
My First StoryGame on 1/25/2014 3:23:24 PM
Zombie Apocolypse type of game. Definitely not finished, just finished up the background history section in which you learn about what has happened to lead to these events.
It is a futuristic type game, and features many people to befriend (or betray) along the way. (If you choose to do so) My goal is to finish this in between February and March. You will have many unique settings that you have to venture through, or you may stay in your house to have many supplies.
There is going to be at least three endings, each in which has pros & cons.
No spoilers, although I may hint at the plot as it is in writing.