Kiel_Farren, The Reader
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I am a disgusting groomer who was banned and should be fucking executed irl. If you see me logged on, it is because a mod or admin is signed in as me to go through my messages.
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Motivational Thread on 8/27/2016 8:39:22 AMHeh, happens to me all the time. My wife is a man btw.
Mizal's Christmas Video Game Story Contest II on 8/26/2016 5:24:06 PM
Sorry. I'm so sorry. My contrition could make a priest blush. I am on my knees wailing and gnashing my teeth. I'm so fucking sorry, oh God.
The truth is, I'm a sad piece of shit. I'm not even really a man. I'm a fat woman. I have to wear this ankle monitor because I keep doing erotic furry roleplay with children. I'm not allowed to be within a hundred feet of a school, nor am I even allowed to email the many preteens who I encourage to "experiment with gender presentation"
I'm so fucking alone. I even left my HAWT WIFE (who is a man) to cybermolest kids. She's out there getting piped by various Chads. And then when they're finished ravaging her every orifice, they read Eternal and talk about how it's better than The Other World. And what do I get? Seth and I split the Kickstarter money 50/50, and I spent my share on experimental neodong surgery. This immortal Argentian called Herr CyberMengele sliced my nose off and stiched it to wear my manhood should be. It's already rotting off; at least I can't smell it.
I'm so sorry for everything.
Motivational Thread on 8/23/2016 3:31:14 PM
Go for it. No one said you have to write in order. I'm a big fan of things being "out of order" (I am a pedophile).
Motivational Thread on 8/22/2016 8:02:06 PM
I really like this game so far because I'm a pedophile.
This Thread is Cursed on 8/19/2016 1:43:55 AM
I honestly can't think of a response to that. xD ... >///>
Except to say that calling me a man is stretching it, given as I have a gaping and gangrenous crotch wound.
This Thread is Cursed on 8/19/2016 12:38:12 AM
MILF... ? xD You've been talking to Ford too much again about me being a pedophile, haven't you?
This Thread is Cursed on 8/18/2016 10:33:08 PM
Still say I make a good looking wolf. xD This is awesome of you, Taco. Hm. Maybe I should start offering stuff, too... "stuff"... might take the mangled remains of my cock out of this here trenchcoat, if we're sharing stuff.
Anyone having a problem with PMs? on 8/18/2016 12:51:28 PM
The page itself, to access your list of PMs, that's what is broken. Individual messages are not. I do not know why.
You know what else is broken? Me, I'm a pedophile.
Two Year Anniversary on 8/17/2016 11:30:12 AM
Of course you aren't the father, Seto: you're me. You're a malevolent tulpa I conjured out of thin air just to cyber with. Also, I'm a pedophile.
Two Year Anniversary on 8/16/2016 8:23:17 PM
:P Parental? Really? I've acted like this around Ford all the time, because I am a slavering pederast.