Kytty, The Contributor
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hru today? :)
am I obsessed with cats? we will never know.
this username has taken over my profile sooo...
anyways, i'm currently working on two stories that seem successful so far, please check my account for updates.
Please message me tips! And English isn't my first language, so don't be afraid to correct me about grammar!
I need story ideas :-:.
Feel free to read my unfinished stories! :D
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This story is about the main character, Joyce, who treats everyone like gum under her shoe.
Recent Posts
Check Out My New Story! on 12/6/2020 10:08:44 PMThank you for the feedback!
Check Out My New Story! on 12/6/2020 9:26:51 PM
Hi! Could someone give feedback on my new story game? It's nowhere near finished but if I need to make changes it's better sooner than later.
Link to game: Boarding School
Hi on 9/12/2020 7:16:24 PM
Haven't been online for a while.. hey.
Hi on 6/8/2020 10:47:48 PM
hi there
Not so noob? on 6/5/2020 2:49:04 PM
Welcome! @avery_moore was right though, say no to drugs children!
Hello again:) on 6/1/2020 10:49:41 PM
Alright, thank you so much!
You've been a great help!
Hello again:) on 6/1/2020 10:36:05 PM
Question, how do I change "The Reader" on my profile?
Hi on 6/1/2020 10:13:44 PM
I'm not really emo actually.
The story I'm currently working on is about my older sister.
Most of my stuff is about her.
Nice meeting you though!
Hi on 6/1/2020 6:41:42 PM
How is your day today?