Vail, The Reader

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2/8/2025 11:03 PM

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Hello, hello! I am an aspiring writer and resident dumbass. I'm fascinated by the ways people have used gamebooks to achieve some pretty cool narrative effects. I plan to write relatively small, in-depth stories that all have a unique experience for the reader (ie, meta-gameplay, meta-horror, time travel).

To make these stories accessible in all storytelling media, I plan to challenge myself in most of my stories to make their features operative in a regular paper-only gamebook. Because of this, many stories will require the reader to parse through the details and remember key points for later, because the gamebook will rarely "remember" small details for the reader. Yes, this means most of my stories won't use the clever score counts or inventory system on CYS. But hopefully my effects turn out pretty cool nevertheless. I love criticism, so please leave a comment on every story! I promise to put the criticism into action with each new story I write.

Have a lovely day, friend.


Cold Hard Questions
It's a gloomy, snowy night outside the station, and your partner has just rounded up three kids suspected of robbing a local potion shop just a few days ago. You assume you'll be able to figure out who was involved in the robbery pretty easily... but something is off.

You've stayed the night in a strange town out of your own volition--but a time loop isn't exactly what you had in mind. Forget Groundhog's Day, you're going to bust out of this time loop in your own style.

Recent Posts

End Master's Prompt Contest 4 on 2/8/2025 10:59:46 PM

Thanks! I'll try to be as active as possible in the forums to see what other people are cooking up. :)

End Master's Prompt Contest 4 on 2/8/2025 10:58:51 PM

I can't hate season 4 of The Boys though. The plot line is crazy and I predicted Sister Sage to be a disaster right from the start (writing geniuses is hard enough; how do you write the "smartest person alive"?), but I loved the cast. I'm still a huge Supernatural fan.

Yes, Rorschach is a great example! I was also just recommending Scrubs to a friend, and I didn't realize until now how much I enjoy stubborn dickhead/asshole characters. This should be fun to write. And thank goodness it's a challenge, because otherwise my procrastination might catch up with me.

End Master's Prompt Contest 4 on 2/8/2025 10:41:21 PM

Okay, great! This site seems to tackle spam and low-quality content really well, so that all sounds good. I've made one fully complete CYOA in the past, as well as many half-baked ones, and they're definitely a unique kind of challenge. Making them linear is a waste of potential, in my opinion. I'll take inspiration from stories on this site and the stuff I used to read, like Goosebumps, but hopefully with a bit more detail and personality.

I'll go check out the workshop corner and get back to you once I've planned out the story a little. Thanks for the tips!

End Master's Prompt Contest 4 on 2/8/2025 10:18:05 PM

Sounds good! I didn't know about the lock-in, so thanks for the clarification. I guess I have to get busy writing then! :)

End Master's Prompt Contest 4 on 2/8/2025 10:16:19 PM

Absolutely! I love The Boys, although I felt like it was a dragging a bit by season 4. Homelander and a couple guys from The Watchmen were the first ideas that sprang to mind, but I'm probably going to take it in a more comedic direction. Is there anything that's strictly off-limits for this prompt (judging by the choice of words in the original post, I'm assuming we're a little lenient)?

End Master's Prompt Contest 4 on 2/8/2025 9:50:09 PM

Late ask, but could I swipe prompt #15?