Vinnykin, The Reader

Member Since


Last Activity

1/23/2018 10:24 PM

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Duel Stats

1 win / 0 losses





30+, male, from a little country called Scotland.

I was heavily into CYOA books in the 90's and writing as a hobby....until work and life got in the way!

After reading/playing some story's on here it's really reignited something in me and I hope I can get back into the genre and maybe be inspired to make my own again.


Recent Posts

Newbie Noob Alert on 1/23/2018 8:59:21 PM

I just joined after you. I really enjoy gaming and think it works well with the CYOA genre. I recently played 'The Banner Saga' and really enjoyed the story, art and everything else.

Hopefully you will make something on here worthy of animating over, you never know?

Hi Everyone! on 1/23/2018 8:54:48 PM

I just read a few story's and felt I had to make an account to review them as they were so good!

I was a HUGE CYOA fan in my childhood and teens in the 90's... until life and work got in the way, but after spending the last 6 hours on this site I think I will be frequenting quite a bit if the first 2 I clicked on kept me entertained for that long.

Who knows, maybe I will contribute some day, but I'll be happy to enjoy others story's and give my honest and constructive critique until then.
