iavatusI, The Reader
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Ivy the baned and unbanned.
Commas are your friend. Not just your friend, but the friend who stops you from cannibalism. And don't we all need one of those?
Lets eat, Steve.
Lets eat Steve.
Lets, eat, Steve.
Okay, the last one makes no sense, but eh. It gets points for extra comma-ness.
Welp, that's one way of getting the points:posts ratio back down.aaa
Recent Posts
Drive on the line on 8/26/2016 6:28:24 AMThere are a number of sentences here that are original, many that make sense and some that are interesting. The overlap is limited.
Confused and Frustrated About Copyright on 8/14/2016 12:27:31 AM
I believe you've been answered a few times, in this and the previous threads. If you want a more detailed answer, because you didn't like the previous ones and want to shake the magic 8 ball until it gives you one you like, I'll direct you to three resources.
Your local library.
They're there to help you.
Confused and Frustrated About Copyright on 8/14/2016 12:21:40 AM
There are far more profitable hobbies you could turn to in your hour of need. Essentially, you're saying that you can write so well, that people will happily fork over some of their sweat, some of their life for your idle musings.
Good luck with that.
Large website looking for writers of game stories! on 8/12/2016 8:45:29 AM
Does this make me an oldster, remembering 2 previous "Please come write books for me, and for peanuts" fly-by-night operations?
Why is a raven like a writing desk? on 8/5/2016 11:21:59 PM
Poe wrote on both.
The riddle wasnt written with an answer in mind, but similar to this, people made up answers that fit.