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What language is Advanced Editor?

4 years ago

I'm sure this question has been asked numerous times before, but the search feature will not behave.

Anyways, what runs the advanced editor? I would assume it's HTML--I believe that's what runs this website--but then how would you be able to make computations? Is HTML capable of that?

Or rather, is it Javascript? Really, I am not getting much out of the few snippets of code I managed to find in the forum. At any rate, I need to know what I'm trying to learn before I can begin learning it!

What language is Advanced Editor?

4 years ago
If you turn the rich text editor off (and you should) you can use HTML to format the text. Variables and scripts are their own thing built into the website, and it's all pretty simple. The articles go into all this in detail, although for link restrictions and basic variable manipulation you don't even have to know how to write the scripts, there's things you can just click. Simplest method would be to just set them to advanced in the editor features and click around a bit, and keep the Help section open in another tab. If there's something specific you want to do, just ask and someone will explain. But basically if you know how to set up a variable and understand IF/THEN logic you already can do 80% of anything here. IF VAR1 = 1 THEN $DEST := @P32 (or whatever the page number is) is the most useful system task script to know so I recommend memorizing that one first. It's the most straightforward way to set up delayed consequences for choices, and for easily moving the player to any page across chapters.

What language is Advanced Editor?

4 years ago

That was what threw me off. HTML is used heavily on this site, so one would assume that it is also what is used in the advanced editor. Of course, HTML is a markup language, so the next choice would probably be Javascript.

But comparing the codes...
%C := %A + %B
var C = A + B;

There is almost no similarity! Took me a while just to figure out that it was called Choicescript. I'm glad it has a bunch of articles on it--it looks easy enough to learn--at least for what I need it to do. Thanks!

What language is Advanced Editor?

4 years ago
lol, whut Don't say ChoiceScript here, that's a filthy term. And HTML is just used for formatting text, like you would anywhere else. The scripting is a completely different thing and handles different things.

What language is Advanced Editor?

4 years ago

Yes, but I couldn't imagine bothering with a markup when you could use a script to do exactly that and so much more!

What language is Advanced Editor?

4 years ago
For your homework you can figure out what people mean when they say: link script page script on page scripting link restrictions $PAGETEXT spunglemundy global scripts $ITEMSTATE Or maybe someone will just explain those things. I can't though, I just watched Episode 9 and and I need to lie down a little while.