This is just something I rambled out when I was bored. I just got this itch to write that I just had to scratch. It's not necessarily a story or anything, but I might add more onto it later on. There are likely some errors in this but whatever.
Dread. Fear. Hatred. Judgment. These are just a small few of the many words I would use to describe the worst place in all of Westwood: Denver High, or as many of my friends like to call it: Purgatory. Denver High is Hell on Earth. The faculty thinks up the least moral punishments ever experienced by man, woman, and child. The food is a mixture of pain and suffering in physical form, which is then boiled in the blood, sweat, and tears of those that dare disobey the demons that bear the title of “Teacher”, and it is then pumped full to the brim with toxic chemicals of unknown origin where it ends up on the plates of innocent students just trying to survive the eternal torture. The bathrooms are marked with all sorts of human waste across every square inch from the ceiling to the floor. Much of it probably isn’t even from humans due to the sheer size of most of it. Doodles of penises can be seen from every angle in every bathroom, even the women’s bathrooms. The classrooms are devoid of any natural light due to a lack of windows. Any room that has windows allows you to see the storms that plague the sky above, casting a foreboding shadow across the land. Skid marks stripe the parking lot while pizza boxes, paper and plastic bags, cigarettes, and all sorts of other trash is scattered across it. Walls both inside and outside are defaced almost every-other week by some masterpiece which is only removed shortly after.
And if you think all of that is exaggerated then you’d be wrong.