As the boy walked into the establishment, his eyes turned to the man in the corner. He had a lute in his hand and was playing a merry tune.
The boy approached, "Hello, can you tell me a story?"
"Why of course young man, what do you want to hear about?"
"I'm not sure. A friend said that dragons used to rome China, is that true?"
"Why yes it is, would you like to hear about it?"
"Yes please!"
"Okay then, though listen hard an true, cus I'm only gonna say this once."
"Back in the olden days of China, there were dragons going around. Though there were many humans not many dragons existed. While the cause is not known, it is speculated that the dragons were stealing the humans livestock for years until war broke out. Funny how humans took years to be outraged. Just goes to show how humans will keep their voices quiet until they have a force to rally behind."
"Ya but why did the dragons do this? I mean if there was peace then why would they disturb it?"
"Dragons always were a blood thirsty race. Their thirst for war combined with the fact that to sustain them they need a lot of meat, no wonder they would instigate something.
Anyway the humans started actively hurting their livestock in caves that the dragons were too large to enter. This sort of passive aggressive retaliation angered the dragons. Soon rumors started going around that a group of dragons were attacking villages, though at the time they were little more than rumors."
"Well if they hated each other why not openly declare war? It seems like they have to go much greater lengths to attack without fully declaring war."
"Because politics are bullshit. Though after a time what you mentioned did happen. When the rumors became more than rumors, they started attacking each other. While the dragons may have won some battles it was clear that the humans far outnumbered the dragons. It was that fact that lead to the extinction of the dragons."
"Wow! I can't believe that dragons could just become extinct like that! Were they not strong and powerful enough to crush men under their foot?"
"While they were powerful, humanity outnumbered them. You have to remember that their were not that many dragons. The estimate is a couple dozen. With the tens of thousands of men there were, it's no wonder they lost."
"Okay fine, but please tell me another story!"
"About what?"
"I don't know, you pick!"
"Okay fine. What about a empire so selfish, that it only got destroyed because of fighting within itself?"
"Yes! I would love it!"
"Okay fine, but remember through this that humanity is cruel, selfish race.
Rome started out as a promising empire. It was conquering every piece of land it could get its hands on. One would think that their downfall would simply be the fact that they were destroyed by enemies, but no Rome had a much more ironic fate."
"What? I mean if they go around attacking everyone, how come no one stopped them. Surely someone had a big enough army."
"That's the thing. As they acquired more land, their army grew until it was so massive it was unstoppable"
"Wait then how was it stopped?"
"Well if you would shut up I was getting to that! You see as Rome grew it became too big for one emperor to control. While they tried, this eventually lead to their downfall. As Rome rained in its prime, and expanded parts of it were even more likely to get away with acts that defied the emperor."
"Wait so there was a revolt that destroyed them?"
"Not exactly. As they grew larger, and more and more began to defy the emperor their enemies had a much larger chance to destroy them. With their enemies attacking from all sides Rome fell. Not because the enemies were too strong, but because Rome itself was too strong."
"Can you please tell me one more story?"
"Don't you need to be home soon? Your parents might worry."
"Oh come on, please! Just one more!"
"Okay fine, but just one. In fact I have the perfect one in mind."
"What is it?"
"This one regards the Greeks. Specifically the Greek gods.
So one day the gods Zeus, Athena and Prometheus were having an argument over who could create the best thing. To avoid bias they called in a judge. His name was Momus. With him as judge the contest begun.
Zeus produced a man, Athena produced a house and Prometheus produced a bull. Momus had no good word to say about any. He criticised man, saying that his mind should have been placed on the outside of his body to enable everyone to see his bad thoughts and qualities. He criticised the house saying that it should have had wheels so it could be easily moved and he criticised the bull saying that its eyes should have been placed on its horns so it could see what it was attacking.
This deeply upset the Gods as this form of criticism only presented faults, with no mention of merits that could easily lead to feelings of failure resulting in overwhelming depression. With anger Zeus banished Momus from mount Olympus."
"Oh wow. Your stories are very captivating. I don't know what to say. I'm very grateful that you would tell them to me."
"Heh it's my pleasure. Though in return can you tell me a little about yourself?"
"Sure, I'm fourteen years of age and live with my mom and dad."
"Well what do you desire to be. Everyone has their own aspirations."
"I want to join the army! I will fight for the emperor no matter what! He has my mind, body, and soul!"
"Are you not afraid of death?"
" I would happily die for a cause. Serving the empire is a cause worth dying for!"
"Sounds like empire propaganda. Though it surprises me how happy young people are to die for a cause. I guess it does give your life a meaning in a way. What do you parents think?"
"They are worried and don't want me to do it, but I will. Not matter their protests I will serve the empire."
"Well in any case you should head off. Your parents will be worried if your not home soon. Come see me another time if you want more stories."
"Thanks! I will! See you another time!"
"Goodbye child. Though before you go, I ask only that you respect your parents. I'm not saying give up your dream of being a soldier, but at least consider their concern. Alright?"
"Okay I will. Goodbye!"