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About publishing unfinished game for feedback

10 years ago

Hello. I'm new in here. In fact, this is my first post even on this forum. :) I were read on a FAQ somewhere on the forum that a game can be erased because it's unfinished when published. I want to gain feedback about whether I were doing the right thing with the storygames or not when it is still unfinished, so I can fine tune it and working on it as the time progressed. But I'm afraid the game will be deleted because it's published when it's still not finish. Is there any way to gain feedback or information from people who want to "sneak peek" on my storygames without my storygames get deleted? Thank you.

About publishing unfinished game for feedback

10 years ago

I'll refer to a similar thread. There is a feature call the 'sneak-peek' which lets people test the game without editing it as a co-author.

About publishing unfinished game for feedback

10 years ago

By the "sneak peek", do you mean the one I need to copy and paste the game links to PM people who's interested in trying? Or could they just find the link on my profile and launch the game on their own?

About publishing unfinished game for feedback

10 years ago

They can launch the game as long as they have the game link.

About publishing unfinished game for feedback

10 years ago

oh i see. so it's about the link then. thank you both of you for the information. :)

About publishing unfinished game for feedback

10 years ago

Actually, you need to enable the sneak preview option in your game first, and then PM people.  But then this just means that others can play the game just by using the title of your game.  I'm scared of the sneak preview box now...

About publishing unfinished game for feedback

10 years ago

Welcome, fellow Chinaman c: (I think?)