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I hope tomorrow my game comes.

18 years ago
I bought ER (2005) pc game on walmart online, and it has still not came in, I hoping and praying that it will tomorrow. I really want to play it. Its like a "The Sims" hospital version. I'm trying to get ideas for a sim game on here

I hope tomorrow my game comes.

18 years ago
sweet, Leon! Danm, I want one of those!

I hope tomorrow my game comes.

18 years ago
Ummm, do you know what I am talking about, here is the game site:

I hope tomorrow my game comes.

18 years ago
Well, my game didn't come today...drats.

I hope tomorrow my game comes.

18 years ago

Oh too bad,

That must suck.How long did you ahve to wait?

I hope tomorrow my game comes.

18 years ago
It might come monday.

I hope tomorrow my game comes.

18 years ago

dont fret none leon. packages dont get delivered on sunday. atleast, as far as im aware. depending on when you ordered it it will show up mon-saturday. most packages like that take 3-7 days.


I hope tomorrow my game comes.

18 years ago
lol, also when you are waiting for something to come, it always seems to take forever, is delayed...



I hope tomorrow my game comes.

18 years ago

I know....

I hope tomorrow my game comes.

18 years ago
Oh, I know packages don't come on sunday. You see the reason I wanted it soon, was so I could play it over the weekend. But now, I'll have school this week and have to find time to play it, when it comes in your know.

I hope tomorrow my game comes.

18 years ago

What if they don't want to send it to you, and world domination is achieved, and you eat sauseges. 


I hope tomorrow my game comes.

18 years ago
...but I did think of that.

I hope tomorrow my game comes.

18 years ago

Try this.

There once was a burgler who eat a sandwich and world domination was achieved by the sauseges, then all of a sudden a fork came.

I hope tomorrow my game comes.

18 years ago
And stabed you in the neck. lol.

I hope tomorrow my game comes.

18 years ago
But you inhaled my blood and the sauseges arrest you or blood inhaling, my blood had pepsi in it and you die of pepse (BLAH!) poioning, muwhahahahahahahhah (I survive and live to be a millionair, thanx to you for getting rid of the pepsi toxins).

I hope tomorrow my game comes.

18 years ago
Now now, Leon.  Never sware at a moderator.  Especially not calling me names.

I hope tomorrow my game comes.

18 years ago
What are you talking about women (lol), it was nicely edited. lol. I'm not being mean, and just messing around with youm figure I would tell that to you so you would know.

I hope tomorrow my game comes.

18 years ago

Still, no F words on the forums, its almost ok if used in context, but calling me a ...... even in a joke isn't appropraite.

I hope tomorrow my game comes.

18 years ago
What can I say, I'm not "appropriate" for kids. Rated M for mature.

I hope tomorrow my game comes.

18 years ago
lol, anyone know squirls, the member?

I hope tomorrow my game comes.

18 years ago
I got my game today. It's a really nice game, at least to me.

I hope tomorrow my game comes.

18 years ago

I hope tomorrow my game comes.

18 years ago
Yeah, I have been playing it these two days. It's a short game, I on episode 3/6. Each epi takes about a hour, hour n' half. I'm really enjoying the game though. It's like "The Sims" meets RPG meets Strategy genre. You get to create your own doctor (a short list of customization to him/her, but good none the least) Then set your personality, like dexterity and intelligence and such, they determine how good you'll be at the six meds used in the game. Then you can start the game or do the tutorial. In the game you treat patients (duh!) and watch out for your three (actually 5) meters, Hygene, Energy, and Compsure. Hygene has two meters in it, Body, and Hands. Energy has two meters in it, Fatigue, and Food. And composure has one, composure, go figure. You can bring up your body hygene with a shower, or wash your hands to not pass on a sickness to your patients, bring up your composure by working out at a gym, or playing videogames, or even having a romantic kiss with one of the girl doctors or nurses, but only if your relationship is good with them. You can eat out of vending machines for food, or even better, eat at the cafeteria, and bring up your fatigue by taking a nap at the doctors lounge on one of the cots. And of course have bad or good relationships with the other doctors/nurses. All while treating hundreds of patients. Also, during the episodes, you will be giving special missions that need to be finish in a cirtain amount of time, some can get you fired (game over) if you don't complete them. During the game you will need to level up your skills and even used special items and skills to help you along the way. Well, there is the game in a nutshell. I give it a 8/10 so far.

I hope tomorrow my game comes.

18 years ago
Sounds good Leon, whats it cost? (American is fine)

I hope tomorrow my game comes.

18 years ago
For me it was $30 (american). However I KNEW I would like it. You on the other hand might want to look up some info, and watch some gameplay videos of it at gamespot, and make sure. Or buy it for a really cheap price, whatever you know.

I hope tomorrow my game comes.

18 years ago
Or dl, lol.

I hope tomorrow my game comes.

18 years ago
I'd rather rent it if you know what I mean.  9 hours max for gameplay = rent odviously.

I hope tomorrow my game comes.

18 years ago
Yep, it's a short game. However I failed some missions, so I'm going to play it again and try to beat those failed missions. Plus just to play again, because I have so much fun with it, I could have diff. doctor with diff. stats, and make different friends and enemies. Plus I could choose some optional choices it has at times.

I hope tomorrow my game comes.

18 years ago