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This bug was closed 11/6/2005: Windows XP Specific.

Variable Changes: ? next to the X

18 years ago
Oh and since it is help I have another one.  On the varible page at the top right there is a ? sign next to the X sign.  When I click it and click on anything else nothing happens.  That help thing could really come in handy for newbs.

Help tab

18 years ago
I don't see the ? mark -- can u be more specific ?

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18 years ago
The page you edit varibles like add 5 or -8% and stuff like that.

Help tab

18 years ago
still not seeing. can you take a screenshot and email it? you have my email, right?

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18 years ago

i cant find it either. and i dont want to be left out lol please post a step by step process on how to get there havy. i wanna see lol


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18 years ago
i couldnt find it either!

Help tab

18 years ago
In any advanced game have click a link varible thing.  You know, to change a varible.  At the very top right you'll see the usual X.  Next to that is a question mark.  It might be in items though.

Help tab

18 years ago
Thats just because of your browser window Havac, your using XP right?

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18 years ago
Yah, I'm using an XP.  What exactly does that mean then?

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18 years ago
i have that too

Help tab

18 years ago

Windows XP that is.