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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.


6 years ago

Not sure that's the right anagram but you know what I am referring to. Anyone up for a CYS style version? Like maybe 100 words a page, 31 pages min challenge? Just for fun. 


6 years ago

Just looked it up. It is right. 


6 years ago
You know those nanowrimo entries have to be 50k words, right? Not 3,100 XD


6 years ago

I'm aware. That's why I said CYS style. Not my first time around the block lol. 


6 years ago

Although I did get one thing wrong, there's only 30 days in November.


6 years ago

Just have a normal contest.


6 years ago

Lol everyone needs a trophy these days to be motivated.


6 years ago
Most contests don't even have trophies. I think the main issue with this suggestion is that A) Everyone literally just finished the Halloween contest and B) 100 words a day isn't the CYS standard you seem to think it is. Reducing the requirements by that insane amount and calling it a CYS version is honestly a bit insulting. It's super easy and you're right, there's no motivation to do it. No point rewards, no bets, nothing. Just being able to say "I can write 100 words a day" which is miniscule by most standards. People don't need trophies to be motivated, but there's literally no form of motivaton here.


6 years ago

Thank you for schooling me on the history of CYS. ;-)


6 years ago
No problem :P


6 years ago
What history are you referring to?

I read this as some kind of dig at her registration date versus yours, but the only mention of 'history' in Leora's post was about the Halloween contest that she was present and active for while you were not. So now I'm just confused as to your meaning and intent.


6 years ago
Yeah the 100 words a day are what I'm tripping over here, I'm not sure what the point would be of a month long challenge that could be completed in about four hours.

1000 makes a lot more sense, it'd be a not especially stressful task that would still take dedication and would address the difficulty with consistency that the epic contest exposed as a major weakness here. Hell we ought to force everyone who failed to produce an entry to participate as a learning exercise. (Is what I'd say, if I'd had an entry for the epic contest...)


6 years ago
Well you've pitched the idea, just a matter of seeing who's interested now.

Most of us are pretty burned out on contests and a few of us will be participating in the actual NaNoWriMo, but nothing wrong with an ongoing motivation thing if you'd be around to keep records and encourage participants. A lot of people still struggle with writing consistently and maybe this would help.

But even for a 'just for fun' thing with no points betting involved you'd have to up that to 1000 words a day to make it worthwhile I'd think. 3k word count is a joke unless we're talking about some kind of flash fiction theme, but no one would need a month for that.

Prior to this sentence, my post was at 120 words.


6 years ago

My original pitch, which got no interest, was 100/ page. Meaning, infinite number of pages per day, just a min of 100 words per page. So a min of 3,000 words, but an unlimited max. 


I kept the original pitch light and easy knowing there was just a competition recently.


6 years ago
@lordkarstark this would be a good activity for you, on account of you being such an inept and lazy retard and all. Make a thread and post daily examples of your completed and actually proofread pages as you go.


6 years ago

Thanks, Mizal. I can attempt this after the weekend, I am busy speech writing right now


6 years ago

I am available for this once the weekend is over


6 years ago

I mean, if anyone honestly can't succeed at that, they should be shot. As everyone else has said, 103.3 words a day is ridiculously light and hardly a challenge.


6 years ago

Lol never saw so many excuses not to write on a writing site. It's not 100 words a day, it's 100 words a page min. 


My next challenge should be 'learn to read.'


6 years ago

31 pages, 100 words page, 3100 words totally, little more than 103.3 words a day, as I said.


6 years ago
He's said it's a minimum, but why have a minimum at all if it's going to be that is the question I think everyone has had from the start. Easier to just lol about everyone not being able to read than adjust it to something like 1000 a day or something more fitting to both CYS and NaNo though.

We're already about to be on day 3 though so this needs to get sorted out fast and we need a proper thread for it if anyone's going to do it.

I'll just be tracking my word count week by week on my project the normal way so I'm likely not bothering, going day by day never works for me.


6 years ago

No reason to work anything out really. The only reason this thread is still alive is because of the excuses. Lol no interest this go around, it happens.


6 years ago
You keep saying 'lol excuses' and ignoring the fact that pretty much every single active person on the forum is writing far more than what you've suggested already. We don't really need a special 'challenge' to do what we're already doing.

Suggestions have been made to make it more appealing but you just immediately brush them off so...? Really at this point I'd say the only reason the thread is still alive is this whole passive aggressive tone you've got going on to all your replies, it just makes people want to respond. If you're trolling, well played.


6 years ago

I've never chastised or said people weren't already writing. The site is growing and stories are being written. Awesome. Nor did I say we NEEDED a challenge, hence why I said ''for fun". And trolling isn't my thing. Replying to people who replied to me is my thing. 


6 years ago

Excuses? It seems pretty obvious that no ones making excuses, seeing as multiple people have done over 100 words in replying to this thread alone, without even trying.

Hell, I could do this entire challenge tomorrow without even trying. The issue isn't that people aren't capable and need to make excuses, it's that they're far, far too capable to even pretend that there's a challenge here.


6 years ago

Everyone here can do math. I already did it for yoi above. But, When did I ever require ONLY 1 page a day? That would be the min effort. 


6 years ago

You didn't actually, your math was wrong. 100 words a day would not've been enough, you'd need 103.3 recurring. So maybe a little less smug on that one.

But yeah, sure, that's the minimum, but the supposed "challenge" is achieving that. It's like saying "Oh, let's have a challenge where you write five words or more over the course of a month"? It's not a challenge, because it's way, way too easy. The minimum effort is too low, so what's the point of it?


6 years ago

The 2 complaints received are 1. We are burned out from other competitions and 2. Your challenge is too easy. 

Lol awesome. 


6 years ago

Going through every reply to this thread, Leora, Mizal and I have all complained that this is way too easy, and no one has complained that this they're too burned out to do this in any way. No one's complaining they're too burned out for this, because it's an incredibly easy task.

I've actually written over double the daily requirement for this thing just in replies to this thread alone. I'm genuinely struggling to understand how you couldn't see 3100 words as a requirement that provides no challenge to any writer whatsoever. 


6 years ago

I'm not struggling to see that 3100 is not a challenge. It wasnt meant to be a taxing challenge. Hence the ''for fun" part. 


6 years ago

So you're saying that you know 3100 isn't a challenge, even though you called 3100 words a challenge in the opening post? Either you see it as a challenge, if a light one, or you don't.


6 years ago

The only thing I didn't know is how you take everything you read on the internet as the word of God. It was a forum post, not a legal document. 


6 years ago

You didn't know I'd take what you said as what you meant? It's a writing site, I'm assuming people use words correctly. 


6 years ago



6 years ago
lol yeah, that's Steve for you. I always think that even he could manage to finish a story if only he'd stop with the excuses, but, well...