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Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago

and a Happy Winter Solstice to my atheists archnemises friends!

Who loves ambiguous holidays? I don't! Did you know that the advent of this New Age combined religion paradigm is actually a sign of the apocalypse? No, I'm not kidding. Seriously.

So after that festive note, what are you heathens and heretics getting for your days of the worship of commercialism?

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago
I'm gonna get lots of the root of all evil for xmas this year.

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago

rofl I hear it's best when you let it ripen for 666 minutes.

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago
Money? I've never heard of ripening money.

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago

Until now biznatch.

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago

Well, my father would certainly agree with you! He's one of those people who will give you a death glare for pointing out the decidedly non-Christian origins of the date and many of the traditions. There are lots of things that have been interpreted as signs of the apocalypse for over a thousand years. Still, the theories on it are interesting.

I honestly don't know what to expect. Books, probably. My family still likes to be cryptic, and I didn't say I wanted anything. So I'm expecting a sweater and books. Despite the fact that I keep telling them I don't need another sweater, they tend to buy me one every year. I can hope for money, but it's not gonna happen. Unless my aunts start sending me gifts again.

I bought my dad a pocketknife and a remote control car, my stepmom a cell phone charger, and I should probably work out some little things for a few of my friends. I'm not really obligated to buy for anybody else and I have no money. Well, very little money. So that's that. Not much of a worship of commercialism, at that point.

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago
I think money is required but without money most of the world's problems would go away. I mostly bought sentimental things this year, got off easy.

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago

I pretty much agree with you there.

Sentimental things are good. Make shopping easier. Same with jokes and the like, though not living at home fulltime anymore makes it a lot harder to pull off a good joke. Less material available for reference.

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago

I've officially boycotted Christmas's commercialism actually. While I'll accept the cash my grandparents give me (of course I will lol), I'm trying to celebrate Christmas like I do Thanksgiving - just be thankful for what I have. In my Media Literacy class - it's a new English elective that teaches us how to interpret the media - we are talking about the Winter Holiday commercialism and I've been thinking that I've always been so much more happy during Thanksgiving than when I'm bombarded by Holiday commercialism. The fact that I have the clothes I'm wearing, the roof over my head, food in mah belleh, and a great family is more than any crappy plastic toy can represent. In fact, Christmas has mutated into quite the un-Christian holiday. It's not really Christianity's fault, it's the market's doing, but still - I like Thanksgiving, which is more of a secular holiday, better. I mean it historically was giving thanks to God, which is what I do, so there you go.

And JJJ, that whole eliminating money - that's another sign of the Apocalypse. Heheh, yeah.

I've been thinking about the Apocalypse recently. I'm not suicidal or anything - in fact, the exact opposite. And I mean the Apocalypse, with a capital A. Judgment Day. And that's what a lot of people don't understand: the Apocalypse is not a bad thing; its the times before the apocalypse that are difficult. There is no "post-apocalyptic", so I tend to refer to those kinds of movies as "post-disaster". Me and my family have been talking about what our religion teaches as the Apocalypse, and in fact most of the Revelations in the Bible have yet to be understood. Frankly, I believe that the teachings will only be understood when the Apocalypse is about to occur, but it's not like I'm frantically trying to figure it out. I'm resolved about it all. I'm...ready to die basically. Yeah.

Wow, from holidays to the Apocalypse. I think that wins the "Most Drastic Digression" Award. lol

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago
Anubis, is your family income between 100,000 and 150,000 annually?

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago

Uh, how much is unemployment?

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago
Your family goes out for way too many dinners to be unemployed.

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago

...Are stalking me? And I would know if my father was laid-off which forced me and my dad to move to an apartment while my mom had to leave for Boston to find work.

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago

Well, I'm something of a skeptic on the Apocalypse, really (then again... I'm essentially an agnostic theist. I guess that's just what my views on everything tend to be then, eh?). My mom used to believe that it would come during her lifetime, firmly enough that she believed she'd been told as much by God. Well, that didn't happen. So I kind of wonder why she believed that so firmly. I'm not sure that my family really has any consensus on what they believe regarding it. My stepmom is kind of a "happy friendly Jesus" Christian and hates the violence of the Old Testament and Revelation; my dad likes reading  the accounts of wars in the Old Testament. I imagine they probably have different views of the matter. I know there was some debate on... whatever it's called, that's supposed to make those who don't believe believe. I want to say the Time of Troubles, but that's when they couldn't decide who was the heir to the Russian throne after Ivan IV's son died. Not that.

I actually kinda like Revelation. Trippy, but it is sort of cool because of it. Was always one of my favorite books of the Bible because of that element of the fantastical. Though the beasts covered in eyes always freaked me out. Those things just sound scary. Now, why those sounded scary and the rest of it didn't... Don't ask me. I have no idea.

As far as commericalism goes--my stepmom loves it. Not as such, but she does. My dad is a little more indifferent, but likes giving things to people to make them happy. I tend to be more ambivalent about it. I wish I could boycott the commercialism of it, but I can only go so far. Essentially, I give people that I really want to give something to something small (wow... confusing sentence structure). Plastic toys are good for jokes. My stepmom tends to give me action figures of characters she knows I hate. And occasionally ones she knows I like, purely because it became a running joke about three years ago. Thanksgiving is a better holiday in many ways, but given the fact that I don't have many family members I'm actually in contact with, it usually amounts to nothing more than a regular dinner with my family. Me, my dad, and my stepmom eating a turkey (which I don't really like) and kielbasa (which I do). And feeding the dogs leftover turkey, which is probably the most fun of any of it. They're funny.

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago
Yeah we get a big family dinner going but it's not really anything spectacular or out of the ordinary.

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago

Yeah, recently there has been some...tension between some of my family, but lucky we have enough people to get together with for Thanksgiving. I mean this last Turkey Day, it was just my immediate family, and it was awesome. We watched Akira Kurosawa films, played Persona 3 and 4 as well as Modern Warfare 2's campaign in one sitting, and of course ate turkey.

For faithful Christians, the Revelations are meant to teach you to be prepared for the inevitable end of time. Whether it is or is not going to be in my lifetime, it is a way of life. I mean WW2 came close to being the end of the world, but of course there were certain aspects that weren't what the Revelations said the Apocalypse was going to be. The Apocalypse can very well happen in our modern era, but I don't think it will be for some time.

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago

 I don't think I'd be able to convince my family to watch Akira Kurosawa films. They look at me funny if I suggest a foreign film of any sort, and it didn't help that the first ones my dad saw with me were both Tarkovsky. Solaris and Ivan's Childhood. Neither of which are completely straightforward in comprehension. And he managed to fall asleep playing a video game. Don't know how he did it.

As I said, Apocalypse stuff is pretty interesting. I should probably read Revelation again sometime--it's been a long time, and my beliefs on it have changed quite a bit. If "it could be true, it could be false, there's no way to know for sure--at least now" counts as a belief at all. Makes me sound incredibly indecisive. Maybe I am. It used to be that I was the only person in my family who actually found it an interesting thing to discuss, though. But that was back in... 7th grade? Certainly before I became as skeptical as I can be nowadays. I used to believe that microchipping animals was a sign of the end times, because somebody told me that microchips in humans could become the Mark of the Beast.

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago

No offense, but it seems my family is more cultured than yours. lol We love all things foreign, moreso than American stuff, but what I've come to realize is that America is so great, we can hate it and wish it crumbled apart, and we're called patriots for it. Well, in a certain light. I do like America - it's not perfect, but nothing is, and Ameirca works well enough.

The Mark of the Beast is mentioned in quite a bit of detail in Revelations, but I don't care what form it is in - it's basically just the replacement of money and trading with the sign. As long as you have the sign, you can live in society. It's these kind of social changes that make it so a Christian cannot live in society that mark the Apocalypse. Essentially.

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago

It's not hard to be more cultured than my family. I suppose that 38 years as an hourly factory worker didn't help my dad much on that end, but he hasn't done anything to help himself become more so, either. His brother's a little better, but it's really only with my cousins (who are in their 20s and 30s) and I that it started to get a little better. My dad would be one of the "consumerism worshippers" mentioned, despite the intensity of his aversion to anything he sees as not Christian enough for him. My stepmom's much better, but she won't push her views on him and so tends to be brought down to his level as far as culture goes. I like foreign films a hell of a lot better than most American ones, but that has just resulted in me watching them on my computer because I can't get them at school and my family claims the tv when I'm home.

Well, that at least I see as a fairly likely way to go--combine IDs and credit cards, and you've got it. Essentially. That's actually how some school IDs work already, but those are only within the college or university itself so I don't see them as really truly related. They'd have to be taken on a larger scale.

Actually, that reminds me of my NaNoWriMo this year. Didn't think of it as at all related to apocalyptic prophecy and the like, but it centered around a society sometime in the future where identification chips allowed employment and purchasing of mainstream items. My main character got implicated in a crime, disabled his own chip, and so could only survive on the black market and through a somewhat subversive organization. Sorry, that's a bit unrelated. But that is what I thought of.

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago

I bet the apolcalypse has clowns. Lots of clowns.

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago
Wow, I thought this was a Christmahanukwanzaadan thread, but its really more of an apocalypse thread. Anyhow, we tend to have a big din-din party, then we go to church. We used to have dinner, then go to my Grandma's, (kids don't read) where my uncle dressed as Santa and gave us all a present. The presents where awesome, because I didn't ask for them, she just knew what was cool. (ex. night vision googles). Now she just gives us cash, which is a-ok with me. The only thing that grinds my gears about the holiday is that Thanksgiving, and sometimes Halloween gets shoved to the side. The only other traditions is we play risk and have our Christmas dinner, which usually includes ham.

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago

Uuum, fuck Halloween, man. It's sacriligeous, pagan, and worships immorality (lack of morals, not lack of mortality - in case you can't read well). At best, it's about having fun, but that's less than the bare-minimum of the foundation of the "hell-iday". Thanksgiving is where it's at, and the actual shame is that Turkey Day gets strong-armed by clever advertising.

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago
Way to be a zealot.

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago
(waaah sacrilege)

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago

Just like you hate zealots, I hate Halloween. I really only don't like it when people THINK IT'S A CHRISTIAN HOLIDAY. YOU DUMBASS. FUCKING DUMBASS. That bitch phaled. But more than that, it's just such a visceral holiday that it's too...graaauughish for me.

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago

Well, there is All Saint's Day and hence All Hallow's Eve, but it is indeed a pagan holiday. Then again, most holidays do take  some pretty strong pagan influences. That, however, doesn't bother me a great deal.

You know, Snickers bars make good street hockey pucks when frozen. We did that one Halloween. What made me think of that was that the family whose house we did it at puck Bible tracts on their candy to hand out. Then me and another friend went over to bug our friend who was there for having to go home to hand out candy when we were going to go play video games and so on, but pretended to be trick or treaters by wearing the Russian hockey jerseys I'd gotten at a thrift store some time back and carrying hockey sticks. It turned into an impromtu street hockey match. Good times.

But seriously, I was twelve when my parents decided Halloween was evil and stopped giving out candy. They'll pretend they aren't home even if they are to avoid "catering to paganism." It's a good thing they don't know that I'm not very religious anymore...

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago

Christmas is also a pagan holiday, you moron.

December 25th is the day when the sun moves 1 degree north (from the bottom of the Crux constellation into the middle of the Crux constellation (Very similar to being put on the cross which is interesting)) and was vehemently celebrated by PAGANS before CHRISTIANS took their holiday.

Oh yeah Pagans also celebrate new years. Guess we shouldn't celebrate it. Carnal, that one.

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago

Meh, as a non-believing, infidel dog, I like christmas because a) it's generally around 42 degrees and b) I get shitloads of new novels :D

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago

JJJ, I know that Christmas and Halloween has pagan roots. Don't call me a moron all the time, it's rude.

While Halloween is essentially entirely pagan with the Christians trying to make a holiday to compete with the pagans (like Hanukah for the Jews to compete with Christmas), I don't celebrate Christmas on the 25th and I know that that date has its date from pagan holidays; I celebrate the Christmas of the Orthodox which happens on Jan 7 and is based on our belief when the Christ was born. My beef with Halloween is because I am Orthodox Christian and don't observe and that's as far as it goes. I don't celebrate it, you do, okay, moving on.

Also, I never said that the New Year was bad and that you should not celebrate. This has never been trying to convert you guys, so stop getting so paranoid when dealing with faithful people, JJJ. There's only so much I can do to get you from condemning yourself to an eternity of pain. That's 75% joke, 25% awkwardly-true. But enough of that.

Since it is Western Christmas today, I'd just like to wish everyone a happy holiday. Honestly, I don't care about dates or whatever. As long as you lead a good life, I'm sure that counts for something. Enjoy your time with your friends and families and remember that the best present is love, and yes that's sappy, but darn it if it isn't true.

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago
What? Hanukkah was not created to compete with Christmas. For fucks sakes, you should learn to spell it before you attempt to try and demean an entire faith. In fact, you should learn to stop getting so paranoid when dealing with faithful people. Just because you're Orthadox Christian doesn't mean that everyone else tried to copy you. In fact, Jesus Christ is practically a reflection of Horus and like 20 other deities. In fact, Jesus is almost the exact same as EVERY SINGLE SUN GOD IN EVERY SINGLE FATE EVER. Kinda interesting that you'd even broach the topic of other religions copying yours.

Funny too, Judaism SERIOUSLY predates Christianity. The old testament was written in HEBREW and Jesus was born a JEW.

You said you didn't celebrate Halloween because it's Pagan, I suggested that because the New Years was celebrated by Pagans, how could you logically celebrate it? Why is one Pagan holiday so terrible and the other one not? The point is, it's pompous and insecure to shunt some holidays based on something so silly as "Jesus was born on the 7th!"

Give me one good logical argument that supports the theory that hell exists and we'll talk. You can't, and it makes no SENSE to spend your entire life leaving pleasures behind in order to save your "eternal soul", what kind of God "loves you" and also is happy to condemn you to an eternity of pain if you don't live your life a certain way? A bushman in Africa who never heard of Jesus will go to HELL because of where he was born on Earth? Are you serious?

In closing,

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago
Yeah, and I don't dislike Christianity. We owe a lot of our technology to the light of Christianity in the dark ages (and yeah you guys killed millions of people in the name of your God and still are doing so, but we won't broach that subject) and I love some of the doctrines like "Love they neighbor" and "what goes around comes around" but none of them were invented by Christianity. Good things to live by.

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago

...Pardon me if I accidently didn't double-tap my 'K' key. And I was saying that Hanukkah wasn't as important as Christmas became - and Christmas is important, but it's not like it dominated Easter. Don't worry, my Jewish friends know this too, so I'm not demeaning Judaism. Hanukkah was near the time of Christmas so in an effort to get Jews into commercialism, Hanukkah was hyped up and commercialized. That's what I'm saying about that; that commercialism essentially changed the holiday.

And look JJJ, you're turning this thing into a battle over religion. I'm not in the mood to exchange hatred between Christians and atheists. It's one of the things you don't discuss with friends and family. lol I'm tired of debating things like religion, and essentially its the divide between the secular and the Church, so just leave all your assumptions of me believing myself to be superior to everyone else at the door. I have Jewish, Muslim, gay, and atheist friends, and it's just ironic when non-faithful people accuse religious people of trying to push an agenda when they just live a different way.

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago
Oh that's funny. First of all, I'm not an atheist and a big fuck you for being so pretentious as to label me as one. Is anyone who doubts your faith an atheist in your mind?

What you said was:

"While Halloween is essentially entirely pagan with the Christians trying to make a holiday to compete with the pagans (like Hanukah for the Jews to compete with Christmas)"

What you said was that Hanukkah (Hanukah in your word) was created to compete with Christmas. No it wasn't. You can add whatever bullshit about commercialism on top of that if you want but that's what you said and it's blatantly untrue.

Also, I don't care what your Jewish friends know, it's irrelevant. It is an EXTREMELY DEMEANING COMMENT to suggest that Hanukkah was CREATED TO COMPETE with Christmas. That's literally, a terrible thing to say.

Also, if I recall you were the one who told me that I was "being paranoid" and you hinted that I felt like you were trying to "convert us". It's really interesting that you think I think that, I never got that impression. I just feel like you're being a pretentious douche bag.

"You atheists are trying to push shit on me because I live differently!"

Yeah, and you told me that I'm going to burn in hell for it. Keep that shit to yourself, it's bull.

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago

Fine fuck it, I'm sick of arguing.

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago

I didn't mean that Hanukkah was invented to compete with Christmas. I was making a connection between how the commercialism was made to combat the expansion of Christmas. That's all.

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago

Yeah, dude, don't blame us for your religious flame wars. We just like to sit on the sidelines and chuckle .

No seriously, merry christmas. I'm going to lock myself in my room now and read the Tales of the Three Worlds until my eyes bleed. Epic stuff.

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago

Ugggh. I'm not one of those religious nutjobs. That's what I was parodying. Alright, that's done.

And I'm personally psyched to watch Joyeux Noel. I saw a mini-review of it on and it looked extremely awesome, so I'ma pick it up and watch it with mah family.

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago

It is a good movie. One of the few worthwhile things we watched in my second year of German classes.

Not to resurrect the war, but... isn't Orthodox Christmas the 7th mainly because of the calendar change? That was what I'd always heard, anyway. It just happens to be January 7th on the new calendar, and was not on the old--and as Russia and the rest of the Eastern Orthodox world changed calendars later than Western Europe, their Christmas retained its position. Honest question/observation, not trying to start anything else...

And merry Christmas! Even though it's technically now not Christmas anymore. Or yet, if you're Anubis or any other Orthodox around.

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago
Happy holidays guys, and a few gals I guess. I'm too lazy to read the rest of this thread so forgive me if this feels out of place. :p

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago

Meh, nothing worth reading, Silver. But seriously, I don't care about calendars and shit. I was kidding about the heretic crap, mah boi.

Anyway, what have you guys gotten? Myself, I got all the achievements for Veteran completion for levels "S.S.D.D" through "Whiskey Hotel" on Modern Warfare 2, so yes I am a bamf.

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago gift card, Slava Fetisov Red Wings jersey (my parents apparently just found out that he was my first favorite hockey player), hoodies, and my stepmom's constant joke action figures. Star Trek ones this year.

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago
600 in clothes. Yum!

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago

Song of the Tears saga by Ian Irvine. Words cannot describe the awesome.

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago
I'm currently writing this on my new ipod touch. I also got the walking dead series 8 - 10

Merry Christmahanukwanzaadan

15 years ago

Too much to read for a thread that I've not been involved it at all.

Paganism sure has influenced a lot, that's for sure.  Good times.

I don't celebrate any of these holidays (neither does my family), but my parents bought me shit on Black Friday regardless. haha  I got a guitar, which I've been wanting for quite a while, and a PS3, which I've been wanting for an even longer while.  Also, they went to Mexico last week, and will be gone for two more weeks, so they left my $200 and I get to stay home by myself for 3 weeks.  A merry bunch of holidays indeed.