
Forums » Feature Wishing Well » Read Thread

Suggestions for improvements and additions to the site.
This feature was rejected 6/19/2012: No self-deletes for now,... You can edit a mistaken post now and say like DELETE ME, or just contact a mod or something.

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago

I feel this would be usefully for things like the Cooperative writing forum. Instead of having problems with double posts and such. A person could just delete there posting and write to the person who had finished first. You would only have the ability to delete your own post and not anyone else. This might help us keep the froums clean and make less of a job for JJJ.

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago

Yeah, like I just posted under my true prophile in a mafia game, that was embarrasing and I wish I could delete it.

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago

Yes that is another reason why I put this up. It would just help us take responsibility keeping our forums clean from double posts and mistakes.

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago

ive thought about this alot myself, but we just need to be more careful. if that is aloud we would be able to delete our regretted comments in discussions, which would cause confusion.

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago

I can see how it can be confusing, like when you are losing an argument and you choose to delete the entire thing. That would be seriously annoying.

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago

ya, thats exactly what i was thinking of, its vulnerable to seriouse amounts of abuse.

like karn(inside joke)

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago

I know of a site that only allows you to delete/change comments only up untill 30minutes since you posted. I think a simmilar system would work well here.

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago

ya that is a pretty good idea if they made it fifteen


Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago

agreed, i time limit would be good, but fifteen is still to long. it should be like a minute or two, in a debate things start flying fast.

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago

That way you can not delete an entire debate but you can delete/change a badly written comment you just made or double post.

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago

Yes but is that time limit enough to make a significant change Maybe it should be 5 minutes.

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago

Also we are in agreement that deleting or changing messages on forums is needed right?

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago

yes. i think 5 minutes sounds good.

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago

exactly, we summed this up pretty nicely. now all we need is 3J's stamp of aproval.

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago

I messaged him about it while he was online, it remains unopened

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago

Now we get to wait and see. I think all three of us deserves some credit for this idea with out you two. I would not have developed it further. Even through I was the one who originally posted it.

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago

:') this is the proudest moment.... Seriously though, I was like just thinking this when you posted so I jumped on it. I never would have posted about it though.

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago

i had thought about this alot, didnt think it needed to be changed untill now though.

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago
You should have the option to edit or delete your own post until someone else replies. Period. No time limit needed. I unfortunately won't accept this since if I do, it's essentially like saying: "Hey Alex, I think this is a good idea, do some work!"

I feel comfortable rejecting posts but not accepting them.

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago

Does anyone know how to contact Alex in any way? I really want this idea implemented it would help so much in the forums. Well at least one admin agrees with me which is nice.

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago
I have his e-mail but he won't be implementing anything anytime soon and that's the way it is.

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago

fair enough.

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago

OK I guess we will just have to deal for the time being.

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago
I would LOVE this. I have no idea how many times I've tried to explain something to someone on the advanced editor forum and because I use html, and then forget to but a tag for new lines it smooshes my entire message together. I have said this over and over everywhere, and I -want- it. lol

At least to be able to edit. They're on almost every other forum I've been on. But, at the same time, I agree with 3J, alexp doesn't really have the time, and we can't expect him to come back and do this. I've kind of accepted the fact that this site is how it is, and its likely not gonna change.

Some things are wierd, and you don't have all the features you'd expect. But I love this site anyway. Just the way it is :)

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago

There seems to be a lot of back log does any of the original creators come on any more?

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago
Not really. Maybe briefly sometimes, but basically the answer is no.

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago

That is odd, you would think that they would constantly check the site to make sure things were running smoothly. again I am new and just trying to get the group dynamic of this site down.

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago
From what I have heard at least, alexp (the creator of this site) made CYS as a project in school or some such. He kept making it better for a while with new updates, but now he has an actual job as a programmer which takes up most of his time. After a while, he and the other admins got too busy to come on that much anymore. So they left JJJ as an admin, once we all voted (him with every one of the votes :P)

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago

Hmm, depends on the site I guess. I don't blame alex for not checking in all the time. I mean, he does have a job as a programmer, so he has a lot of things that he needs to edit for a living, which is more important than a little site he set up in high school. And besides, Zicara is right, this site is great the way it is and doesn't actually NEED improvements, it would just be a little more convenient.

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago
The best way to look at this is as follows:

Someone spends hundreds of hours making you a present. He gives you the present and you're very happy with it. Then, he manages to find time in his day to keep working and spends hundreds more hours improving the present. Then one day, a recession hits and that someone needs to spend more time on lucrative projects and he tells you: "One day, I'd like to make my present to you EVEN better but until then, I hope you enjoy it."

You can:
A) Say thank you a million times for all of the hard work


B) Say "I can't believe you're not going to make my present better RIGHT NOW!"

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago

Lol, love the analogy

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago

like the analogy and Hey I am good with it. I am just fishing for information at this point. Hopefully he will find the time again but I get it he has job so we can not expect him to be on anymore.

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago
Yeah, that would be great :)

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago

Little star

first of the night

I wish I may

I wish I might

have the wish

I wish tonight

Plz bring Alexp back

to update the sight.

(This is a joke so dont go JJJ on me.)

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago

"Star light,

star bright . . . ."

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago
Thanks for that correction. I knew I screwed up the original lines.

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago

How dare you sir, that was a classic.

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago
That song is ever changing at least the last part is.

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago

He can change the whole thing if he wants to. lol but if he does i will butcher him in his sleep. jk

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago
Stop rippen on me guys. I made one mistake. Now we need to stop talking because this is off task.

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago

I think its realy more tearing then ripping. :p

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago

I thought it was more like lacerating

Deleting messages on Froums.

13 years ago
Are you guys done yet?