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This bug was closed 5/31/2014: "general quirkiness"

Stupid Links!

12 years ago

My game I am making is messing up the links! I click one link and It sends me back 2 pages! The game is called "The tropical Island of zombie world Update#3 can someone fix it, please!"

Stupid Links!

12 years ago

Have you ever tried removing the link to that page and making a different one?

/(O.O)\  <(?)

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Stupid Links!

12 years ago

Good idea, Swiftstrker - sometimes a Link or page will get messed up when you save it, so you have to delete and rebuild it.

Stupid Links!

12 years ago

Not really, it's just a herp-derp thing you do occasionally when you can't keep track of your pages.  Did you title your pages with the same hea-

Why the FUCK am I helping a clueless piece of shi-

heading?  That may be why...

This is not a bug at all, just a dumb mistake.

Stupid Links!

12 years ago

Also, haledakota - are you using Scripting? Or just the Links and Link choices given?

Stupid Links!

12 years ago

Im not scripting, besides I don't know how to script.

Stupid Links!

12 years ago

Well I made new links and It still got all crappy.

Stupid Links!

12 years ago

Stupid Links!

12 years ago

If you are using the advanced editor I would suggest scripting the links you can't get to work, especially if deleting and recreating them isn't fixing the problem. I'm just now learning scripting and it is not as difficult as it looks and makes things wonderfully easy. ;)

Try this one, maybe:

$DEST := @P*PageID*


just remove the *'s and enter in the page ID for where you want the link to go ;)