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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

What occured

11 years ago

Now, many of you may remember BZ and I entering a wormhole to search for the true toaster. Well, we had quite an adventure, to be sure!

First things first, it seems the truth was that Killa did hide his toaster in another dimension. And, it was crazy trying to get it.

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Of course, I had to get it. That lazy penguin did nothing.


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A commemorative photo of me catching the toaster. Of course, the penguin had to photo bomb...

Unfortunately, we had a bit of a falling out.... I think we were just confused, so I attacked him from behind decided to terminate our alliance

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Yeah.... Our allaince didn't last long, but I felt it worked for my our favor...

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Never piss off a penguin though, it seemed that BZ was not too happy about my small prank.

However, all's well that ends well. 


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And it certainly did. I think the mustache faction we all gained something.

What occured

11 years ago

This is beautiful

What occured

11 years ago

Don't make me write another game on you.

And I still expect my cut of the toast - regardless.

(I take contracts written in mustache blood very seriously. It may have had a 'screw the penguin out of the toaster' clause, but the toast proviso is iron clad.)


What occured

11 years ago

Ugh, fine. Just wait until the toast is ready, I Im paying in burnt toast,

What occured

11 years ago

I would expect nothing less  :P

Got Killa's Toaster!

11 years ago

So – Anyway, the only true statements in Aman’s entire account were:

“Killa did hide his toaster in another dimension. And, it was crazy trying to get it.” And “I never realized how much respect one Mustache can have for his mallet-wielding penguin pall. *teary eyes *sniff *blubber”

So to set the record straight, here is what really happened

As Aman said, we had to travel into another dimension to find Killa’s Toaster…

Dreamscape photo Dreamscape_zpsbfa9a742.jpg


Unfortunately, there was a slight disagreement about the mode of transportation we would take. I suggested the Stache-Mobile…


But Aman adamantly insisted on this…

AquaPink photo AquaPink_zps2605e6e7.jpg


…Well, at least the trip was romantic :P …

Upon arrival, we found an ancient and mysterious cavern – filled with the horrifying stuff of insanity stoked nightmares…

Creepy photo Creepy_zpsbd316e61.jpg


We decided that discretion was the better part of valor (cause Aman was too chicken to fight and said he didn’t want to scuff his precious Stache) – so we disguised ourselves to move on through undetected…
BB photo Aman2_zps52544cc7.gif

Baby photo Baby_zpsbfde8992.jpg


Amazingly, the dark denizens of entropy somehow saw through our masquerade, so we had to elude them long enough to change tactics…

Disguise1 photo Disguise1_zps88ffe9bc.jpg

Disguise2 photo Disguise2_zpsb4b690cb.gif


…There, that’s more like it! (Or at least Aman that’s what Aman said. Come to think of it, I never did get the costumes back from him)…

Then, after searching the very bowels of this shadow world for what seemed an eternity, we finally found it! The real Killa’s Toaster!

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We knew there would be booby traps and who knows what other wicked creatures protecting such an artifact of unholy power, so we donned our battle armor to face any challenge…

In retrospect, we probably could have come up with something a little more robust, but that’s neither here or there now…

Armor photo Armor_zps2afb1003.jpg


I tried to tell Aman to wait until I disarmed all the traps, but he just couldn’t contain his larcenous glee…

Toaster2 photo Toaster2_zpsb7fda524.jpg


Yep, saw that coming a mile away…

Trap photo Trap_zpsbcc24c56.jpg


What I totally did not expect was this…

Duck photo Duck_zps89b2e08f.gif


Fleeing from the duck for our very lives, we inadvertently ran into another chamber filled with an assortment of history’s most vile super villains blocking our way! …

Buba Ho Tep (Sailor Moon Style)!!!

SM photo SM_zpse4459698.gif


And This… This… HORROR!!!
MLP photo MLP_zps99ae7149.jpg


And a couple more of these pesky things…

Them photo Them_zps6aef1f0e.jpg


It was more than Aman could handle and he promptly went bat-shit crazy. (No really, he flipped out and dove in a pile of bat poop trying to hide from the monsters)…

Mud photo Mud_zps72428535.gif



Snicker photo Snicker_zpsfb9e4f56.png


“No wait! Don’t hurt me!” Aman screamed as they all ganged up on him…

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Man, you should have seen it when they ripped Aman’s mustache right off - and boot stomped it on the floor. I could tell from Aman’s deranged expression that this wasn’t going to end well…

BeatUp photo BeatUp_zps3bda3e7f.jpg


At least he stopped being a pansy at that point and started helping me take down the goons…

Bruce photo Bruce_zpsab646263.jpg


It was a hard fought battle…

Flame photo Flame_zpse5d8c438.jpg


But I managed to save Aman’s ass (and mustache) though sheer AWESOME

Nuke photo Nuke_zps645dadbd.jpg


Yes, I know you’re grateful for me saving your hide, but don’t look at me like that – it totally gives me the creeps…

Look photo Look_zps635e7ce8.jpg


At long last we finally had our glorious prize!

End photo End_zps114deff1.jpg


But it was true! Aman betrayed our agreement and scurried off with the Toaster – that dirty rotten bastard! I was devastated at the treacherous betrayal – especially after saving his ass so many times…

Shocked photo Shocked_zps2e38f79b.jpg


I vowed never to trust that fiend ever again…

HardCore photo HardCore_zpse2f56eb8.jpg


So I went home to unwind from our long adventure, content in knowing that Aman would get what was coming to him…

Relax photo Relax_zps7e6f1598.jpg


(Just a slight case of radiation poisoning, due to the Toaster’s nuclear reactor heating coils…)

Zorch photo Zorch_zps56abc19d.jpg


Oh well, all’s well that ends well    ^-^


Got Killa's Toaster!

11 years ago

Okay, I'll admit that I skipped over a bit, but I will not stand to your mock of the facts. 

Our Game Face:

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When we first entered the realm, we encountered a true trial, for one of us atleast. 

Yeah... It was a frozen realm. Someone was supposed to have 'cold resistant feathers', but he hadn't prepped apparently. Of course, my mustache kept me warm.

We had left the Stache-Mobile back at my Stache Cave, (I would show a pic, but I can't reveal it's location), so we had to argue over which kind of vehicle. Before I had a chance to off an opinion, the Penguin had decided on our mode of transportation.

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Of course, I had to bike the way there. His feet didn't reach the pedals...

Anyways, reaching the place, we encountered dangers, but first, we met with BZ's only trial. 

Unfortunatley, his gluttony got the better of him, and he became useless for the majority of our trip.

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Anyways, we found the toaster rather easily. However, Penguin Mcfatass tripped the traps, and we had to fight our way out. 

Of course, the bloated penguin could only run, he's fighting skill was useless at this stage.

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And I had to expose my skill in magic. Yes, the mustache king has a number of magic skills. Didn't want to reveal my secret, but the useless party member forced my hand.

And after that, I got fed up. The bastard was useless (though he lost weight with all the running) so I ditched him, kicked his ass, and rode off with the bike. He had to walk all the way. 

Unfortunately, it is true, the toaster had a bunch of radiation. But instead of harm, I have gained another skill..... 


One mustache king was glorious... Two? I think our might shall overshadow the weakling penguin clan for quite a while.

Got Killa's Toaster!

11 years ago

Lies lies, all lies... (Except for that bacon part...)


Got Killa's Toaster!

11 years ago

As Sabley once said, whenever I lie, I drink Vodka. And I haven't drunk vodka in a while.

Got Killa's Toaster!

11 years ago

It's the after-taste... :)

Got Killa's Toaster!

11 years ago

I laughed so hard my throat pains. Let's hope you never leave.

What occured

11 years ago

I think it's safe to say I'm a little out of the loop when it comes to recent CYS events because I have no idea what the hell any of this means.

What occured

11 years ago

I don't have any clue what any of it means, all I know is that this was highly entertaining. Keep going, guys... I wanna know what happened next...

What occured

11 years ago
you both are gay like justin bieber;)

What occured

11 years ago


We have a troll here!

What occured

11 years ago
you are also gay

What occured

11 years ago

^ we have a troll

What occured

11 years ago

Yes, and if I wasn't such a point whore, I wouldn't even respond.

What occured

11 years ago

But I am.

What occured

11 years ago

A shameless point whore that is.

What occured

11 years ago
