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Editing a published story

3 months ago
How would one edit a published story? I noticed that published stories don't have the edit option available. I guess I'd have to un-publish a story to edit it, but then what happens to the reviews and ratings it got before being unpublished? I certainly don't want to lose all of that every time I want to edit a story.

Also, I'm not sure if this is the right place to be asking this stuff. Is there some sort of site helpline thread somewhere?

Editing a published story

3 months ago
The ratings and reviews don't go away when you unpublish. I think you get a message warning you that it might happen, but it doesn't actually happen.

Fluxion unpublished his vampire story and then republished it recently, and the ratings and reviews stayed the same

Are you editing Ignis and Aero? That would be really interesting.

Editing a published story

3 months ago
Ignis and Aero will probably stay as is. I might correct a few really embarrassing typos, but other than that I don't want to change what I've written in terms of story.

I might need to edit published stories in the future though, which is why I wanted to know if there was any special process for this that I didn't know about.

Editing a published story

3 months ago
Oh ok gotcha. Yeah, it's just unpublishing and then republishing, no other special process

Editing a published story

3 months ago
I see, thanks for the response. :]