Emperor's Fireworks - Author's Notes

by PerforatedPenguin

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Thank you for reading.

Some brief thoughts:
The story is decidedly Chinese, in case you didn't pick up on that. I wanted to keep it in a sort of ancient/fantasy dynasty setting, so some things may read a bit weird in English. It is what it is.

For transparency: At least according to google, high explosive gunpowder does not exist. However for the sake of the story I forced it a bit.

I originally envisioned something larger(again), but it ended up being smaller than expected. No harm in that, I got roughly 80% of what I wanted out before the deadline.

Still trying out that cleaner writing style, if that's even a thing. I think it's alright, though I can hardly give an objective stance on it.

Let me know via PMs or discord messages if you have any questions.