dracortez, The Contributor
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After several years of absence, I have once again taken up the mantle of attempting a interactive story, of sorts.
I am 18, lives in Canada. Immigrated from Taiwan when I was Five.
Here's what I like in a story:
-Short and to the point text, but with some poetic flair if possible. Alot of words in one page makes me think of something five hundred light years away.
- Structure: How the sentences are constructed, what colours and pictures you use are just as important to me as the text.
-Generally, I like short pages, so it doesn't feel like I am bombarded by too much information.
- Brilliance. Whenever someone pulls off something elegent and "cool" with the editor, makes me go "wow". This doesn't mean you must use complicated editor features, something as simple as clever use of pictures and colours to craft atmosphere is awesome in my book.
"Rule, Britannia!"
I have slain the Mathematical Daemons. Glory to Odin!
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There is something calling to us.
Something otherworldly.
Something familiar.
Arriving at a mysterious research centre high in the Alps, a stranger seeks what is lost, what he hopes to meet one last time.
NOTE: The story is linear with some parallel perspective thrown in. There are few choices here, it is meant to play with the reader's emotions, and come to an ethical decision near the end.
UPDATE: Fixed the infamous "Widow" to "Widower".
Based on a RPG setting I invented for Paizo's Pathfinder System.
The Great Burning, the cataclysm that saw the power of a God unleashed upon the mortal plane, destroyed the Golden Age and plunged the world into darkness.
Thousands of years pass and new civilizations carved itself into existence. From Barbarian tribes to Elven survivors, mutated humanoid beings called "Orcs" and the Gnomes, the descendents of the Feys themselves, life flourish.
Yet such life is not without conflict.
The Toruk Empire, a massive expansionist superpower that have recently concluded a great war with the Dark Elves. In the ensuing peace and prosperity that followed, the Emperor passed the Edict of Tolerance, outlawing the persecution of non-human races and fully incoporating them within the Empire.
However this fragile peace is threatened from all sides.
From the East the High Guard (High Elve Supremacist) march to "liberate" their kin from the rule of the inferior races, such as the Human filth and its so called Empire.
From deep beneath the Hollow Earth, the ravenous hordes of troglodytes, Kobolds, and other lizardfolk spill forth to conquer the world in the name of the Dragons they serve. They come into conflict with ancient Dwarven Kingdoms, the last vestige of a Golden Age long past, who jealously guard the secrets of their technology and magic.
Based on a novel I am attempting to write at the moment
It is the Twilight of the Third Reich. Dirk Limbach. German Soldier. Einherjar.
Recent Posts
contest stories on 7/22/2011 1:12:36 PMI started multiple fantasy stories with varying themes and genres, and now I don't think I'll make it.
Focus On One Game on 7/22/2011 1:09:15 PM
I am extremely guilty of doing this.
AGONY: A Fantasy Darkly on 7/10/2011 10:35:03 AM
Tarnations, I spelt Hollow wrong yet again. Dark forces in the "Hallow" Earth? There is definitely someting queer about that name. Thanks for the vote of confidence.
AGONY: A Fantasy Darkly on 7/9/2011 9:08:49 PM
The focus is less about race (although you'll still see racial prejudices, hypocrisy, simony, blatant corruption, etc) but about the main character's struggle to become free as he ventures forth on a mission on behalf of the Emperor. He is Amadeus, Sorceror, Witch, murderor and bastard supreme. His goal: To rescue the daughter of the Emperor from the dark forces within the Hallow Earth. His Reward: Freedom from persecution and freedom to teach magic.
They claim Amadeus is a monster, but he is the most human of them all.
AGONY: A Fantasy Darkly on 6/24/2011 11:00:54 AM
The whole half elf idea would be nice, but perhaps for a tritagonists? The sidekick of the Hero? Then we can have the whole High Elve Supremacist tempting the sidekick over to their side thing.
AGONY: A Fantasy Darkly on 6/24/2011 10:59:23 AM
The Toruk Empire is officially accepting of non-human races, since the conclusion of the Dark Elven Wars, but it's difficult for people to forget hundreds of years of racial conflict in the span of only about fifty years of less.
Protagonist wise, I too prefer a female protagonist, but that's to be decided. Also, I want my Protagonist to be an independent force, not allied with any of the major factions? Perhaps an individual power as strong as any of the other factions?
AGONY: A Fantasy Darkly on 6/24/2011 10:53:29 AM
To JJJ: Short of, "Darkly" just means ominous, mysterious, dark. Since my setting is pretty much Dark Fantasy, I decided to go for that title.
New Story Idea on 6/23/2011 5:34:44 PM
I am sure that Cthulu have little to do with Necromancy. Necromancy being divination using the dead (communicating). Cthulu have little to do with magic overall, but his Cultists might employ magic, but if magic is central to the plot, my suggestion would be to use Nyarlathotep the Crawling Chaos (Satan, the Black Man, the Black Pharoh, Hermes, Thoth, etc) for magical activities and Cthulu as the ultimate doom for Earth. (although Nyarlathotep is responsible for destroying the universe when Azathoth awakes).
contest stories on 6/23/2011 5:29:13 PM
Wow. 110.
I've been messing around with multiple ideas, but I finally settled on one. Now that exams are over I finally have time to relax and create.
Progress: 0 pages.
AGONY: A Fantasy Darkly on 6/23/2011 5:22:59 PM
I've being making multiple games, approaching the fantasy genre from multiple fronts, but finally, I have decided on one setting, which i've been developing for a while.
Its also based on a RPG setting I invented for Paizo's Pathfinder System (I plan on running the campaign soon).
AGONY: A Fantasy Darkly
"The Great Burning, the cataclysm that saw the power of a God unleashed upon the mortal plane, destroying the Golden Age and plunging the world into darkness. Thousands of years pass and new civilizations carved itself into existence. From Barbarian tribes to Elven survivors, mutated humanoid beings called "Orcs" and the Gnomes, the descendents of the Feys themselves, life flourish.
Yet such life is not without conflict.
The Toruk Empire, a massive expansionist superpower that have recently concluded a great war with the Dark Elves. In the ensuing peace and prosperity that followed, the Emperor passed the Edict of Tolerance, outlawing the persecution of non-human races and fully incoporating them within the Empire.
However this fragile peace is threatened from all sides.
From the East the High Guard (High Elve Supremacist) march to "liberate" their kin from the rule of the inferior races, such as the Human filth and its so called Empire.
From deep beneath the Hallow Earth, the ravenous hordes of troglodytes, Kobolds, and other lizardfolk spill forth to conquer the world in the name of the Dragons they serve.
They come into conflict with ancient Dwarven Kingdoms, the last vestige of a Golden Age long past, who jealously guard the secrets of their technology and magic".
So I got the setting, I just need a plot. I was thinking of including a romantic subplot in there somewhere.