I've being making multiple games, approaching the fantasy genre from multiple fronts, but finally, I have decided on one setting, which i've been developing for a while.
Its also based on a RPG setting I invented for Paizo's Pathfinder System (I plan on running the campaign soon).
AGONY: A Fantasy Darkly
"The Great Burning, the cataclysm that saw the power of a God unleashed upon the mortal plane, destroying the Golden Age and plunging the world into darkness. Thousands of years pass and new civilizations carved itself into existence. From Barbarian tribes to Elven survivors, mutated humanoid beings called "Orcs" and the Gnomes, the descendents of the Feys themselves, life flourish.
Yet such life is not without conflict.
The Toruk Empire, a massive expansionist superpower that have recently concluded a great war with the Dark Elves. In the ensuing peace and prosperity that followed, the Emperor passed the Edict of Tolerance, outlawing the persecution of non-human races and fully incoporating them within the Empire.
However this fragile peace is threatened from all sides.
From the East the High Guard (High Elve Supremacist) march to "liberate" their kin from the rule of the inferior races, such as the Human filth and its so called Empire.
From deep beneath the Hallow Earth, the ravenous hordes of troglodytes, Kobolds, and other lizardfolk spill forth to conquer the world in the name of the Dragons they serve.
They come into conflict with ancient Dwarven Kingdoms, the last vestige of a Golden Age long past, who jealously guard the secrets of their technology and magic".
So I got the setting, I just need a plot. I was thinking of including a romantic subplot in there somewhere.