mrcrimsonclean, The Contributor

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Last Activity

9/7/2024 5:15 PM

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go read in moonlit waters, its good :)

Trophies Earned

Earning 100 Points


Anya's choice

Setting is WW2, your partner has went off to war, Your only communication is through letters. This is a very short story.


unpublished , coauthor

In "Monster Hunter," you step into the boots of a seasoned hunter tasked with tracking down and defeating legendary creatures that have plagued villages and cities for centuries.

This game is a thrilling mix of action, suspense, and strategy. Each decision you make will impact your journey, from choosing your weapons and allies to deciding whether to confront or avoid certain monsters.

The game is serious and intense, with a dark atmosphere that pulls you into a world where danger lurks in every shadow.

You'll need to think quickly and strategically to survive as you encounter fierce beasts, cunning rivals, and mysterious characters.

Your choices will shape your path in this high-stakes adventure.




Recent Posts

Bippity Boppity, the IRS claimed your property! on 9/7/2024 3:07:10 PM

I work in a ski/snowboard centre, a pastry shop and freelance. The job I hated the most was when I worked in a warehouse probably. Easiest job was being an admin for an in house carer company. Although heartbreaking sometimes. 

Sherbet's Summer's End Synergy Contest on 9/7/2024 10:16:27 AM

I think it's because the prompt is so broad. You can almost write about anything, which is both an advantage and disadvantage lol. 

Bippity Boppity, the IRS claimed your property! on 9/7/2024 4:12:15 AM


Bippity Boppity, the IRS claimed your property! on 9/7/2024 2:09:06 AM

Lol, it'll be finnne. I've worked in customer roles before. In the UK you get given set contracts which legally allow you to deny any sort of overtime outside of established rules, not sure how it is there.  It seems like most of the staff were older and more settled in life and just want someone to do the odd weekend shift so they don't have to, most people don't like working weekends because they have kids and stuff. 

My aunties actually been working there for 25 years, so she will protect me from any do badders! 

I'm a very good worker to. I like to stay active. My goal really is to work minimum 5 days a week, 6 is ideal and 7 day weeks are fine every now and then. I do nothing when I'm off anyways, so might as well build my money up while I'm young so older me can be much more stable. 


Not to mention that as soon as I'm on board I get given 4 weeks free holiday to take, most places seem okay to just let me take it on my days off. So a lot of the time I'm being paid, while I go and work somewhere else, getting a double wage. Since I have 3 other jobs, Im usually paid everyday even if I'm. Not working everyday. 

Bippity Boppity, the IRS claimed your property! on 9/6/2024 8:38:06 PM

Since this is now the new shitpost forum. I guess it should be stated that I was successful at a job interview today. I Plan on only working 1 day a week there, two max, It's just a big super market store, just looking for the 20℅ staff discount really. 

By Far The Most Retarded Thing Ever on 9/6/2024 4:31:28 PM

Ice cream and carbonated beverages are sadly some of my biggest vices. I don't have them often but when I do I cant stop. I could never understand comfort eaters until I had a tub of ice cream all to myself. 

Romance on 9/6/2024 1:55:43 PM

Is paradise fortress going to be a sequel/prequel to paradise violated? Or will they be unrelated? 

Romance on 9/6/2024 1:49:21 PM

Id actually love to read something like that from you once you're finished with soulless! One can only dream. 

Romance on 9/6/2024 7:56:26 AM

Why does this sound really good though? Id read that, and if it was executed well id like that.

Romance on 9/6/2024 2:49:52 AM

Sounds like my dream girl, for real.