
A horror storygame by hydr0cx

Player Rating?/8

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Story Difficulty7/8

"Wade in shark infested water"

Play Length?/8

"Unknown / Not Set"
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Maturity Level6/8

"I'll need to see some identification"
Some material may be inappropriate for persons under age 16. If this were a movie, it would probably be between PG-13 and R.


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As you start to wake up and look at the ceiling, a monotonous hum-buzz fills your ears. Moldy yellow wallpapers align the walls of what appear to be the backrooms of an office building. Where the hell are you? What happened? What is this place? Note: Making bad decisions will get your INSANITY level to rise. If it keeps rising, you'll have limited decisions, and if it rises over a certain point you'll get a game over,

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