TsunamiKing99, The Reader

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1/25/2016 3:13 AM

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Hello fellow readers and novel enthusiasts, My name is Brodie Gosper aka TsunamiKing99. Being young and full of ideas I couldn't have asked for a better community to help share and perfect my craft. My goal is to entertain and have a blast doing it.


Cry of Kafka

Seven teenagers in 1970 Hawaii are getting ready for their graduation party at the Kaneohe lodge Kafka. But as the night progresses the dark secrets that the lodge has hidden are unleashed upon all seven friends. You control them all in a series of events that will push all seven to their limits and beyond. Broken up into episodes, uncover the truth that lies in the horrifying past of Kafka.

Butterfly Effect System

Each choice and action has a consequence. No matter how little or how small the choices you make with each character will drastically shape the future in more ways then you could ever imagine. Who will live? Who will die? That is entirely up to you.


-Episode 1 Awakening

-Episode 2 Below the Surface

-Episode 3 Truth

-Episode 4 Kafka Cries to the World

-Episode 5 Revelations

-Episode 6 Call onto Me

-Episode 7 Ashes of Kafka

Classification R18+

-High Impact Violence

-Course Language

-Sexual Violence

-Horror Themes