
Forums » Feature Wishing Well » Read Thread

Suggestions for improvements and additions to the site.
This feature was rejected 8/19/2019: comments

Edit History

6 years ago

What does this new feature entail?

One that is in a similar vein to how COG handles edits; when someone edits their initial post, the initial post is still viewable in its original form, and if someone edits the edited post further, the first edit is still viewable in its original form, and so and so forth.

How will this benefit the site?

Several situations/ways:

  • Any situation where person A claims that person B said something, but person B has edited their previous post and deleted that something in the process, thus inciting confusion. An edit history would quickly clear up that confusion.



  • To prevent situations where person A is formulating a reply to a post person B made, but person B edits the post to such a degree that when person A posts the reply, it no longer makes sense, thus inciting confusion. An edit history would quickly clear up that confusion. This also applies to admin edits for after the reply is posted.


  • Indirectly leading to more careful and higher-quality posting. As soon as person A hits the “post message” button, every single word is documented and preserved with anybody having easy access to every single iteration of a post, including any deleted unsavory parts. This will make people think twice before hitting that button.

Alternative ways to implement the feature:

  • Similar to how Reddit/Youtube handles edits, an asterisk or any other indicator will show up when someone edits a comment, doing away with the edit history. 

Edit History

6 years ago
I'm not sure if this is necessary tbh. I can't really think of any other site that does this, and if all those things are considered major issues it would probably be simpler to remove the ability to edit at all.

Edit History

6 years ago

A full on edit history is debatable, but I'd consider a simple asterisk to denote an edit to be a necessary first step that every website should have. Editing is a must-have for any forum, but it comes with some disadvantages, such as possible confusion that can be solved by a denotation of an edit. Conversely, I can't think of any site that does not have a message at the top of the post saying "post has been edited", or something along those lines should that person make the choice to edit.

Of course, we could always do what Reddit does and not have the asterisk show up should someone edit within a few minutes of the message being posted.

Edit History

6 years ago
Personally, I don't think there's really a need for this. Replies edit lock things, and how often does it really happen that someone edits an initial post while someone is trying to reply and the reply is edit locked before the person posting the reply can change it? I'd think this is a very minor situation that would actually take quite a bit of effort to implement.