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Steam Games - Get the Best Price

7 years ago

Hi guys,

Many of you astute younguns may already know this, but if you use a Chrome browser plugin Enhanced Steam, you can quickly see the historically lowest price and current price on a variety of sites, for all steam games. 

Here's a link to the free plugin.

Best thing to do if you don't have a lot of money. I use it, and I have a lot of money because I am wifeless and have no younguns.

Steam Games - Get the Best Price

7 years ago
I use it, and I have no money because I am wifeless with no children but I'm in college.

Steam Games - Get the Best Price

7 years ago

Yeah, Ramen time, I remember. Hahah college was fun.

Steam Games - Get the Best Price

7 years ago

Unfortunately, all the games I was going to buy either offer sites that sell it at the same price, or Steam has the best deal possible. I'll try it on any future games I want to buy, and the plugin has some other useful features besides that, so thanks for sharing it.