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5 years ago

Hello, I am MicroPen. I stumbled across this jewel of a site while I was surfing the internet, and I have to say it has me interested. It seems to have some authors that could write real books if they wanted to. I read a few stories like eternal, and dungeon stompage, so I felt I should make a account. I have found a interest in the school based games because they are something I can relate to. I will be starting my third year of high school soon, so it has a certain feel to it. I am not much of a writer, but I love to read. I may try my hand at writing, because these seem like they would be fun to write.

If you have any great stories that are worth reading let me know. Also if you have any tips for writing that would be great as well. Anything about the site would help.

Thank you for your time,


5 years ago
Hi, welcome to the site! Your name will be the subject of jokes at some point and there's nothing we can do about that, but if you like to review stories as well as read them then everyone will love you I'm sure.

You can't really go wrong browsing the featured or top rated stories. Rogues is the most recent Endmaster epic so if you liked Eternal definitely give it a look.

The New Storygames category can be pretty hit or miss but it has the stuff most in need of feedback and probably the authors that can put any criticisms you have to the best use in improving their stuff.

As for your own writing, you seem reasonably literate so if you hit upon an idea you'd enjoy writing about and can think of a few different ways the plot could play out you're in a better spot than most newbies. Particularly if you have any previous experience with short stories etc.

I'd recommend starting small since if you're not used to the way CYOAs are structured they can get away from you pretty quickly. (For specific questions about that kind of thing or if you have a couple of pages you'd like feedback on drop by the Writing Workshop.)

Anyway, enjoy the site.


5 years ago

Thank you for the advice! I would like to ask if I should put in the effort of writing a long comment for something that will get unpublished anyway?



5 years ago
The author will still have access to it even if it's unpublished and your comment might help them a lot.

On the other hand, they might ignore you completely or even get angry at being criticized, so it's really up to you making a judgement call. Unless it's in the case of a troll game (like the Dilemma one up now that I think may have inspired the question...) the games that'll obviously get unpublished usually suffer from major problems with punctuation, grammar etc. and with those at least you don't have to go into exhaustive detail, any advice will boil down to 'learn English'.


5 years ago

I am writing a comment for Dilemma right now. I will finish it anyway because I have almost got done tearing it to shreds. 

edit: I finished and might have got a little carried away.



5 years ago
Welcome to the site. Indeed, there are many users here that do not write, they mainly read and write in the forums. So don't feel any pressure to write a story, just enjoy what others have created.


5 years ago

Try to avoid meeting EndMaster. And never put the "@" next to they're name or else you have summoned the Destroyer of Worlds. Personally, I hope he — actually, never mind. I'll just be fed up with all this bull that I've been given. I'm almost nostalgic for again, and might be there again if the writing was like this.


5 years ago
What a good greeting.


5 years ago
Back at ya!