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Poll #2

11 years ago

I recently got into an argument about how some girls at my school dressed up like Playboy Bunnies and posted the pictures on the internet and me and another person have differing viewpoints. I'm going to post the debate and I was wondering who you thought won it.


(1: The difference between bikinis and Playboy Bunny clothes is as I sad above, Playboy Bunnies are sex symbols.

Also, stop treating them like shit calling them whores. As has been stated, this was in the privacy of someone's home. I am sure they didn't anticipate being put in "The Dirty".

Again, the age argument people are bringing up. As I also stated above, if these girls are old enough to go to jail for their crimes, they should be treated as adults and not as children and honestly, I'm sure no one would care if these girls were a few years older.

So in summary, everyone shut the fuck up it's none of your business. I don't see why everyone is getting so butthurt over what some girls do in their spare time.

(2. You're the only one who seems to be butthurt here.

(1. Wow, nice comeback. I'm not butthurt, just stating my opinion with logical reasoning. Let me summarize the conversation.

You "It's wrong."
Me "Why is it wrong?"
You "Because it's wrong."

(2. Not at all. You obviously have not read this conversation. And I'm not here to make up good comebacks. I'm not here to be childish and just tell everyone to shut the fuck up, like you've done above. But if you want to play like a child, we can do so.

(2. And if you truly have no idea why I think this is so wrong, allow me to explain.
Dressing like these girls did and putting it out in public on the internet is classless. They are young ladies, not adults. They are already attracting the wrong kind of attention. And yes, I understand that sometimes, girls what to dress sexy, no matter what age they are, but come on. Don't put pictures of it all over the internet.
And let's talk about the mothers who not only allowed this, but encouraged it. They need to realize that they're the ones in the wrong, even more than the girls.

(1. Lol, first of all, if I was acting childish, I wouldn't be the one here using more logic than you. Both of your past posts have been non-sequiter and don't relate to the topic about these "sluts" at all.

An argument based on ethics can clearly be torn apart by logic which you clearly don't seem to understand.

(2. I'm sorry, are you not the one who agreed with me way earlier in this post that this is wrong? I'm confused as to why you're trying to fight with me then. Why don't you just go back to 4chan if you're only goal is to argue FOR NO REASON?

(1. So basically you're putting up the argument behind for why gays shouldn't be allowed to get married. It doesn't affect me at all, but I don't like it so you shouldn't do it.

Have you ever thought that they didn't mean for this to be on the internet? Have you ever thought they found it as a clever way to express their individualism (Albeit in a stupid way)? Have you ever thought they were just trying to have fun? Have you ever thought they were doing so because they thought it was a nice way to express their near freedom?

No, you probably haven't. You have allowed the wool of ethics to be put over your eyes and you can no longer see this without bias. The best example of an ignorant fool if I might add.

(1. So again, you make yet another non-sequitir response. How nice.

(2. THEY FUCKING POSTED THESE PICTURES ON FACEBOOK! They ment for everyone to see these.

(2. And it does affect me and everyone who has attended NOHS, because we are not being associated with these girls' pictures.

(2. And their 'near freedom'? That's how you show it? By dressing like a sex symbol? And not all of these girls are 'near freedom'. Some of them are 15 fucking years old.

(1. Why are we being associated with these girls' pictures? If we are, then all you care about is the opinion of an idiot since they are the only one who can make such a massive generalization that we are all "sluts" because of what a few girls did.

(1. By near freedom, I mean for them to be able to drink and smoke and living on their own which they are currently not allowed to do.

(1. Three years away is not that far away from near freedom.

And yes, I think that dressing like a sex symbol is perfectly reasonable. In a few years, they wouldn't be judged on they dress just because of their age.

(2. No, they'd then be judge on it by people assuming they're skank hoes. And again, I don't think anyone wants the wrong kind of attention. And no one is generalizing that everyone's a slut. And three years isn't that far? Come back here in three years and tell me you're the same person with the exact same ideas and you have currently. Three years is enough time for these girls to figure out that this shit will follow them for forever now. And have no way to take it back.

(1. So people are assuming that they are "skank hoes" but not you... exactly how does that affect you?

Three years in terms of life assuming they live a long and healthy one.

Yeah, the two seconds it takes to pull a trigger can also change someone's outlook on life completely are you going to say that that is a long time as well?

(2. you're absolutely fucking ridiculous. You really are. I'm not arguing with you about this. You stated your opinions, and I've stated mine. Neither of us is going to agree with the other, and I didn't post this to fight with some kid.

(1. Lol, you lose an argument so you call me ridiculous? At least have some class and either stop commenting or respectfully bow out.

Going out by acting like you're superior is extremely immature and completely contradicts you saying you're arguing with "some kid". Get over yourself.

(2. All you do is contradict yourself, which is funny, because you yelled at me for doing that. And have some class? I'm not the one defending some teen girls dressed up in their underwear. Have some class, hah. And dont fucking tell me to stop commenting on my post, you dumbass. Never said I was superior. You sit there and try to sound all smart and use big words from a thesaurus thats probably sitting right next to you, but half the shit you say makes no sense. Your 'insults' are overused and not degrading. Try something else if you'd like to continue this 'fight'.

(1. Lol, exactly how did I contradict myself? I changed my opinion because I'm not close minded and ignorant as you seem to be.

So you're calling girls sluts but I'm the one o lacks class? Pity, I thought you were more intelligent than that.

I didn't say to stop commenting, I said have some class if you're going to bow out which you clearly don't know how to do.

Big words and a thesaurus? Ha! Ask Zach, I talk like this all the time because I actually have a vocabulary that has expanded since eigth grade. It's not my fault if you're too ignorant to bother to learn new words.

I'm not insulting you, I'm just calling you out on being idiotic and not using logic when you think. If I was insulting you, you would know it. Again, ask Zach, he has seen me go off on people online before and trust me, I'm going extremely easy on you.

(2. Okay.
1. Never in this post have I called these girls sluts, whore, skanks, hookers, prostitutes, ect.
2. Who is Zach?
3. You have a big vocabulary? Funny, since all youve said is I'm ignorant because I don't think underaged girls shouldnt post pictures online in their fucking underwear.
4. You must be like a fucking junior or something because you think you're hot fucking shit if you think I'm 'too ignorant to learn new words'.
5. Point out EXACTLY where I have not used logic. Please. Because I've only made a maximum of maybe four points about this topic in this whole post.
6. Fucking bring it, you little troll. You think you're fucking cool? I will tear you apart. And I'll do it with a better vocabulary than you.

(2. You wanna play this way, we'll fucking play this way.

(2. Yup, now I've got who Zach is, but I'm sure you can handle it without your friend. Be a man.

(1. 1. You called them skank hoes up above. Get your facts straight.
2. No need to address that since you know who Zach is now.
3. Way to contradict yourself idiot.
4. Lol, actually I'm a sophmore who dropped out and does ECOT now. Nice way to completely miss the meaning of what I meant to say.
5. Your entire argument is based on ethics. Logic is not intertwined with ethics. Therefore, you haven't been using logic.
6. Lol, I'm not trolling, you called me out on something and I responded. Nice to know you think so highly of me though.
7. Play this way? If I remember this whole argument began because you said you weren't butthurt and it's pretty clear you are haha.
8. Didn't you already say you were done posting? I'm glad to see I can't take anything you say seriously or else I would think you were mad at me.

(1. Oh also, I don't need Zach's help. He disagrees with me on this subject. I was just using him for background information.

(2. Read my fucking comments. I never called them skank hoes, i did say people will probably assume theyre skank hoes now because of these pictures. I never called them anything. Nothing at all.

(1. Fien, I got that wrong then. I'll own up to it. It was a pretty nice way for you to not even attempt to counter the rest of my post though.

(2. #3 was not a contradiction. Perhaps you need to use your ECOT education and look up what a contradiction actually is.

(2. Ethics and logic is completely intertwined. Are you kidding me?

(2. Ethics come from having logic! No logic = no ethics. Get it? Logic and ethics go hand in hand.

(2. Would you chop a dude up and bury him? Hopefully, you answer no to this. WHY? Well, is it ethics, or logic..... OR BOTH! BECAUSE THEY GO HAND IN HAND.

(2. Oh no, I'm just going slowly. I'll get to the rest of the post.

(2. ‎#6. Why would be saying you're trolling make you think I think highly of you? Trolls are small, nothing major.

(2. #7. I said you were the only one being butthurt, actually.

(1.  #3. First you say I have a big vocabulary and then you mock me by saying I don't have one. That's a pretty clear contradiction.
#4.No they're not, ethics are what you're raised to think, logic is challenging that in favor of finding the best conclusion.
#6. Lol, if you give me any attempt of thought at all that means I'm obviously making an impact on you and if you didn't think of me at all then you wouldn't put in the time and effort to refute my claims. I was also being sarcastic in case you couldn't tell.
#7. Yeah, and I'm not butthurt, you are since you're the only one getting pissed about the whole thing.

(2. 3. When did i say you have a big vocabulary? Im pretty sure you said that.
4. Oh my fucking god. I'm done fight with you about this point since you're being an idiot. Youre raised to think logically, correct? So is it ethics or logic? OR BOTH?!?
6. No, I'm just waiting for people to come over and this is keeping me entertained until then. I dont just sit on here all day waiting for you to reply obviously, since this has gone on for a few days now.
7. Well im glad your not butthurt. Glad we cleared that one up. Im not upset in the slightest, i just dont get how you can continue this fight and tell me youre not trolling. Because youre just nitpicking, like a troll.

(1. #3. When you said "You sit there and try to sound all smart and use big words from a thesaurus thats probably sitting right next to you" you were implying I was using a thesaurus and unless you've seen a thesaurus that doesn't have a large vocabulary, then you said I have a big vocabulary.
#4. You're not raised to think logically, you're raised to think like your parents. Whether your parents think logically or not isn't the point, unless you're debating things in your head, you aren't using logic.
#6. If you didn't care at all, you wouldn't be replying. Nice of you to say I'm entertaining you though, I'll take that as a compliment.
#7. I'm not trolling, I'm standing up for myself. If you call me out on something, I'm going to call you out on it right back. Simple as that.


The argument is still going on but I was wondering who you think is winning at this point and if you can tell which one I am.

Poll #2

11 years ago
It sounds like just some facebook argument so I'm not going to take the time to read the WHOLE thing right now (you have to admit its kinda huge), but my basic view is that as long as the girls are posting it of their own free will, knowing there may be negative consequences, and there is no nudity or anything else that would cause it to be illegal, I don't care what they do.

Poll #2

11 years ago
I'm halfway through the post now, and are lot of your claims are in fact "rediculous".

Poll #2

11 years ago
Just finished (I know I said I wasn't going to but it turned out the dude I was going to talk to cancelled), and although it's a facebook debate and nobody really won, I think you have the most validity, even though I haven't seen the racy pictures in question. It's not like you got every point right, but you definately handeled it more correctly (not behavior-wise but logic-wise). One thing I don't like being brought up is the ECOT education, because I have no idea what your grades are, but I never considered you unintelligent at any point. One thing I did love though (not as a point but the irony) was the statement made by "2" saying "Have some class, hah. And dont fucking tell me to stop commenting on my post, you dumbass.", I laughed so hard at how contradictory that post is. But my overall viewpoint on the argument is this: You handelled it the more logically, "2" doesn't know what ethics really are (the stupidest man on Earth will still have things he knows are right and wrong, logic is not required), and if "2" (I'm not using pronouns because I'm assuming "2" is female but I can't prove it) didn't actually have some desire to argue, or at least prove you wrong - which wuold have to be done through an argument - she would have stopped typing long ago. I think the "waiting for someone to come over" excuse is used to assert a tone of superiority, but who knows it's not like I have evidence.

Feel free to post these three posts to the argument, with the exeption of this sentence of course.

Poll #2

11 years ago

The ECOT thing was mostly to show that she was being upstaged by a kid who couldn't finish High School, nothing else. My grades are shit, I'll admit, it's mostly from a lack of effort though. I act like I'm borderline retarded most of the time (with the exception of the internet) so a lot of people assume I'm stupid even though IQ testing proved the opposite.

Yeah, I thought the whole "I'm classy but you're a dumbass!" thing was pretty funny as well. First she says I'm a troll for arguing and then she says she is arguing because she is bored. I love contradictions.

Poll #2

11 years ago
I meant some, not a lot

Poll #2

11 years ago

Wouldn't it had been easier just to make a few screenshots and edit out names/pics? Reading it is a bit confusing.

Honestly I can't really judge who won without knowing what the debate was over, though I would guess that you're #1.

Also once I saw more numbers coming into play I thought more people were jumping in on the conversation at first lol.

Poll #2

11 years ago

I posted the topic at the start but I'll post it again.

I recently got into an argument about how some girls at my school dressed up like Playboy Bunnies and posted the pictures on the internet and me and another person have differing viewpoints. I'm going to post the debate and I was wondering who you thought won it.


I was #1. I originally had it go like #1. Say this and #2. Say that but once numbers got involved I had to change it to (1. and (2.

Poll #2

11 years ago

Well I saw that part, I meant that simply saying "some girls dressed like playboy bunnies" is awfully vague.

I mean, there's a difference between them just dressing as playboy bunnies and standing around having fun, and them doing suggestive poses and such.

Poll #2

11 years ago

Basically, at my high school there is this thing called a potluck. I have no idea what it is. It's when the Eaglets (some kind of group for girls who aren't quite cheerleaders) eat dinner together. They do this in the privacy of someone's homes and while doing so this year they were dressed as Playboy Bunnies. One of the girls took the picture of all of them posing and posted it online and apparently the photos got to a magazine titled "The Dirty".

I'm arguing that people should stop calling the girls sluts.

Poll #2

11 years ago

I don't know much about it* instead of I have no idea what it is.

Poll #2

11 years ago
The magazine is at fault for posting suggestive pictures of young girl.
That's class 1 child prawno.

Poll #2

11 years ago
That's a good point, but don't think it's child pornography... mostly because it's not porn. That's like saying newspapers can't post pictures of a beach because teenagers might be on it in bathing suits.