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I have discovered Dark Souls

11 years ago

As the title implies, I recently purchased Dark Souls (for the xbox 360). This is hands down the most annoying game I have played to date. It's not hard, just annoying. You have to get a feel for it and actively play it. You can't just play it in the background and focus on other things. Dark Souls demands your attention. 

It's still fun though.

I have discovered Dark Souls

11 years ago

Good for you, in my personal experience (I've gotten Dark Soul for PC), IT SUCKS! I know that if played on a console, it will be seriously awesome but the PC version really stink.

I have discovered Dark Souls

11 years ago

I haven't played many video games so there's not much to compare it to, but Dark Souls is one of my favourite games. I enjoy Demon's Souls (the first game) more but it's still terrific.

The first time you play through areas it's incredibly difficult but once you've been through and know the ins-and-outs of combat it's simple. It took me about an hour and a half for me to get through an area of the game that took me close to fifteen on my first playthrough.

Still haven't finished it, cos I got stuck with assignments and exams (and then restarted Demon's Souls instead of continuing Dark Souls) but I'm looking forward to it. I've never made it past Four Kings.

I have discovered Dark Souls

11 years ago

I played the demo, then I ragequitted.  Eventually, nobody played in the store played the demo.

I have discovered Dark Souls

11 years ago

"And on the seventh day, he said FUCK THIS GAME!"

Nah, just kidding.

The game is hard. Very hard. But not impossible. I believe I'm a bout halfway through the game (after logging 40 someodd hours into the game) and I love it. I'd say that the most difficult aspect of the game is the fact that you cannot rush through it unless insanely overpowered. No two enemy encounters are the same, you have to get an accurate sense of battle and of anticipation. You just gotta get into the flow. That being said, dark souls has no flow. The game goes from twisting churning white water rapids to waterfalls to even more treacherous rapids and finally it boils down to a leap off a cliff with nothing to slow the descent but hope. The learning curve of the game is so steep it's nearly vertical. 

And i wouldn't have it any other way.

I have discovered Dark Souls

11 years ago

On the other hand, Dragon's Dogma is like pong with no opponent.

I have discovered Dark Souls

11 years ago

How entertaining is Dragon's Dogma? Does its (apparent) ease make it boring? It's the next game I am planning on getting (once I finally get around to playing the few games I already have).

I have discovered Dark Souls

11 years ago

Dragon Dogma is freaking awesome and in my opinion is a must-buy. The game is fun though there is not much fast traveling and it might get a little annoying at times (Similar to Dark Soul in that sense but differ quite a lot) but it is an amazing game. Night and Day differ greatly if you have your brightness  setting set to the right one although if you dislike complete blackness if your character didn't *spoiler* equip a lantern at night for realism, then well, it'll probably adds more to the annoying factor.

It has character customization (A hella good one), a pawn system (AI that you can get from online and you will even make one though they talk too damn much) and a really freaking awesome job. I'm not going to spoil it for you but the JOB is AWESOME! THE MAGIC AND FIGHTING MECHANIC ARE GREAT!

The monsters are great though some do spawn at the same location again and again, for example if you need to head to a certain place which require you to go down a path that you have gone before and killed the enemy there, they will respawn as the same one. There are some random ones (Though I am not completely sure) and boss battles are FREAKING satisfying.

Dragon Dogma is fun to play though annoying at times but in my opinion, it is definitely a must-buy.

I have discovered Dark Souls

11 years ago

I'm already Senchal (spoilers).  Try to beat my ass. XD


You kill yourself in the end (optionally), and then your pawn gets a human soul, and then the cycle repeats.  How fucked up is that?!  Lol, that's why I always have a twin pawn character, so at least I still look the same.

I have discovered Dark Souls

11 years ago

Whereabouts are you up to? I'll give you a rough estimate of how far you are without revealing any spoilers.

I have discovered Dark Souls

11 years ago

I just placed the Lordvessel and now I'm pretty sure that the next boss I have to kill is somewhere in Lost Izalith.