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What do I need to know?

5 years ago

I used to belong toma similar site, before a vandal who had the same IP address as me was blocked. I wasn't allowed to write pages or even edit existing ones. So at any rate, I know how these things work (I'm used to calling them CYOA, so this whole "storygame" idea is a bit strange to me). But, are there any special rules I must follow? Like, what can I write and not write? I appreciate any responses.

What do I need to know?

5 years ago

Hey welcome to the site, i'm somewhat new here myself but I think I can help. I would recommend looking in the help and info page, near the bottom there should be a link that says "CYS Website Guidelines". If you click that it will tell you everything you can and can't write. The big thing I would say is don't write an entire story filled with long in detail sex scenes. You can have sex in your story just don't get carried away with it, the guidelines will explain more on that. Hope that helped but if it didn't wait a couple hours and hopefully by then one of the more experienced members like mizal or ogre can help you out, they've replied to almost every newbie forum post i've seen so i'm sure they'll reply to yours soon and give you better advice.

What do I need to know?

5 years ago

Honestly, that did help a little. I was wondering about the sex scenes. Also, the fact that there is a guidelines - well I'll see if I can reach it without too much page-loading lag.

What do I need to know?

5 years ago
Hey, welcome to the site. It doesn't matter if you call them storygames or CYOAs, the members here use both. There aren't many things you aren't allowed to write, just avoid plagiarism, porn and warrior cats and you'll be fine. And don't publish any really awful stories, obviously. For more information you can check End's article about (im)mature story writing and the minimum site standards. Please note that the second article is a bit outdated and the first criteria should be: After receiving at least 10 ratings and being published for at least 3 days, the storygame is rated 2.4 or less. (Though this is flexible if it's particularly bad and still in the 2.5-2.9 range). Use common sense and you'll be fine. Good luck with your story, don't be an idiot and have fun!

What do I need to know?

5 years ago
Basically a general guideline is just don't go past a rated R level or so and make sure your sex scenes are attached to an actual plot. Don't make your protagonist a pedo, and no Warrior Cats. And if you're including images no nudity etc.

As long as you've got maturity set to 7/8 nobody is too strict about ratings tbh, if you read LoveSICK by Endmaster you can see what's pretty much the farthest extreme allowed, which I'd hope is far enough for most.

What do I need to know?

5 years ago