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New need help

4 years ago

I’m working on my first story, and some stuff just isn’t working.

I saved a picture into my story, but whenever I go back in to edit the page the picture has disappeared and I have to reinput it.

Also, the font sizes are wack. I type a sentence as size 18 and the rest of the page is 16, and save it. Whenever I go into preview mode that sentence that’s supposed to be bigger looks like it’s size 14 and the rest is 16. It’s in italics, but I don’t think that has anything to do with it.

These aren’t that big of problems but still kinda annoying. I’m typing on my phone because I don’t have access to my laptop right now, maybe that’s the reason?



New need help

4 years ago

My advice is to turn of RTE (Rich Text Editor), this can be done on your profile settings. Otherwise just put the picture in last, RTE tends to delete them if you open the page up for editing.

As for font size, if you turn of RTE (or use the source button [tho beware of potential consequences]), just use html tags. Generally you can google [how to do {thing} in html] to get answers, but for font just modify the attribute:

<font size="number">text.</font>

That aside, consider why you are using font changes + pictures, as while they can be used to enhance the reading experience, they can also kill immersion extremely quickly while also messing with readability. They don't necessarily have to do this, but most the time I've seen font style/size changes, I feel they were unnecessary. Just make sure it fits together properly and you aren't changing it just to 'be different'.

I'm not sure if RTE messes with font size tho, as I thought it could do that properly, but I wouldn't be shocked if it messes things up there as well.

New need help

4 years ago


New need help

4 years ago

Just realized there’s a bugs and problems thread. I’m gonna pretend I posted this there instead of here.

New need help

4 years ago
Yeah it's the RTE, turn it off in your profile. (Don't mind me, just demonstrating efficiency in answering questions to Zake.)