0000562, The Reader

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Last Activity

10/3/2016 9:28 AM

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Duel Stats

3 wins / 6 losses






History Girl Series(1) - Just A Patriot Daughter

You are a teenage Elizabeth who lives in colonial times. Your life is normal... or was normal, but then one day something happens that will change your life forever. Threw war, death, disease, and starvation, will you be able to survive this crazy revolution? (This is the first part to the History Girl Series which gos threw history with the life of girls and women.)

History Girl Series(2 )- A free women

Elizabeth has been threw a lot during her childhood- war, death, small pox, and hunger. Now she is a women and married. when tough times strike Boston, her and her husband are forced to move down south to live with her husbands uncle. But this city slicker is shocked by what she sees. Her husbands uncle is a plantation owner, and as a arrival gift she is given something she never imagined- a human being. As she struggles with her feelings and falls in love with the slave girl who becomes like a daughter, she is troubled by one thought- she is a free women, Adama is in chains. (This is the second part of  the History Girl Series which gos threw the life of a girl or women in a certain time period. This one dose have some harder topics in it including slavery and physical abuse, so just be prepared for that. And in case you are wondering, Adama is a Nigeria female name meaning "beautiful child" or "queenly." that will also come up in the game but incase you were curious)