Commander_Silvertorn, The Reader
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This Game is based on a story podcast that has not been released. This game is not meant to promote or advertise the story podcast, this is intended to give the player a look into the world of the story and how things function in that world, in addition, you the player will not be any of the cast of the main story, instead, you will be given pre given fantasy names that you may choose, each character comes with the special ability that will alter the way the story is going to go, this is deeply story with many decisions that will affect what you can do later on in the story. This Game is part of a four-part series, this is the first installment that goes over the first season of the podcast story, in which you will be able to see many of the places that will show up in the first season of the story. So to you whoever plays this, I hope you enjoy seeing the sights you will be able to see and many other wonders such as magic and mythological creatures, thank you for trying out the first installment of this four-part series. Do note that some pages in this game will not have a link to use instead there will be a text telling you what items you can use to continue your story. I wish you good luck on your adventures. Sincerely, Commander_Silvertorn.