CytoCookie, The Reader


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Last Activity

11/21/2024 10:55 PM

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Philidosia Story (Hamilton SHIPS)
You know how in Hamilton, the song "Dear Theodosia" is about Burr and Hamilton's respective children, Phillip and Theodosia? Well, don't know how, but it turned into a ship that I mildly support. Didn't watch Hamilton? WELL GO WATCH IT, IT'S ON DISNEY PLUS

Recent Posts

Bullying/Harrassment on 11/21/2024 10:48:54 PM
nuh uh

Admin Abuse? Call now! on 11/21/2024 10:44:18 PM

Admin Abuse? Call now! on 11/21/2024 10:43:23 PM
I inquire.

Admin Abuse? Call now! on 11/21/2024 10:42:21 PM
NAH REALLLY!?1/?!!?!1?!?!!?!!?!!?! (im not, just pulling a funni)

Bullying/Harrassment on 11/21/2024 10:35:11 PM

Bullying/Harrassment on 11/21/2024 10:34:10 PM
get out- hehe lol

Give me a valid fuckin reason why Cyto is a retard on 11/21/2024 10:20:33 PM
(or so he says or should I say "he says in parentheses") I AM NOT THROWING AWAY MY SHOT

Give me a valid fuckin reason why Cyto is a retard on 11/21/2024 10:20:11 PM
WHAT IS LIL BRO DOIN HERE- really? no offense, but i'm calling cap

Give me a valid fuckin reason why Cyto is a retard on 11/21/2024 10:18:48 PM
I'm ten years old. WDYM?

Give me a valid fuckin reason why Cyto is a retard on 11/21/2024 10:16:49 PM
Elaborate. Why am I a retard for making this thread? Are you there?