Iliveoffchimkin, The Reader

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3/23/2025 8:40 PM

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I’m so fucking stressed 😩 on 3/21/2025 4:45:11 PM
Congrats you’re not a retard who eats dollar tree food. I guess you only seem like that on the outside… 🤷🏽‍♀️

I’m so fucking stressed 😩 on 3/20/2025 7:25:27 PM
Why are you assuming I don't go outside much? I make it part of my schedule to go on walks and runs at my local trail at least 4 times a week (though I haven't gone as much because of the cold weather). I also already have a gym membership and I actually go there, unlike some ppl. Also I literally have bought and read so many books I pretty much have a library in my apartment 😭

I’m so fucking stressed 😩 on 3/20/2025 7:08:14 PM
Oh also guys I've decided made amends with my username and so, I'll be changing my profile pic to the roast chicken your dead grandma used to make. 🤗

I’m so fucking stressed 😩 on 3/20/2025 6:31:00 PM
But the music from botw is pretty much meditation music soooooooo

I’m so fucking stressed 😩 on 3/20/2025 6:06:29 PM
Wow how mature and helpful this is! Tysm!!!! 🙉

I’m so fucking stressed 😩 on 3/20/2025 6:03:26 PM
Reading books and playing Zelda are my go-to's for right now... Thanks for the new suggestions! 🙏🙏🙏

I’m so fucking stressed 😩 on 3/19/2025 7:50:31 PM
What’s your go-to way of de-stressing after a long day? Looking for some new ways to unwind… Also after making my account I immediately regretted my choice of username. 😬 NO JUDGEMENT. PLEASE.