MysteriousRedCat, The Reader
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12/13/2021 3:52 PM
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A Boy With a Secret
This game is an enjoyable, yet edge-of-your-seat mystery, that should keep you entertained and feel as if you are in the story.
You are a young uni student, when you suddenly stumble across a murder. Follow the clues and catch the culprit!
Recent Posts
Can I add a link to a page in a different chapter? on 10/4/2021 3:18:28 AMWhich icon is it?
Can I add a link to a page in a different chapter? on 10/3/2021 5:51:14 PM
In the editor, I've created a new chapter with a few pages in it, but I want a page in the chapter before that to have links to multiple pages in the chapter after it, but when I add a link, the pages don't come up in the 'page' dropbox and if I add a link to the chapter, it will only have a link to one page.
I hope this makes sense.
New, and with a few questions on 9/26/2021 8:13:23 PM
Yeah, I'm a newbie too, and I think, with the advanced editor, just skim through the pages of information about chapters, pages, items, ect, but don't get too caught up in all that stuff, just write!
About the writer's block, I once got it for two months, and what helped me was focusing on something else creative, then channeling that into my writing.
Hope this helps!
Why does my profile have a different status thing? on 9/22/2021 4:03:55 AM
Hah! I'm trying to be sneaky but I seem to appear in heaps of forums for a newbie!
Should I include opinionated thoughts in my game? on 9/21/2021 9:14:37 PM
Thanks for the feedback! As I said in my previous post, I'll be very descriptive, then see if the reader thinks what I think they're thinking (if you get what I mean). It is a choose your own adventure, after all!
Should I include opinionated thoughts in my game? on 9/21/2021 9:12:09 PM
Ok thank you so much, I think I'll be a bit more descriptive, then let the reader figure things out for themselves.
Should I include opinionated thoughts in my game? on 9/21/2021 9:11:00 PM
Thanks for the reply, and the 'you don't want to be caught up in this mess' is the readers' or protagonist's thoughts.
Should I include opinionated thoughts in my game? on 9/21/2021 7:08:34 PM
Hi, I was writing a mystery game when I struck a problem.
I noticed I was writing opinionated thoughts, like 'you don't want to be caught up in this mess' or 'you realise she might have something to do with the murder'. Then I realised that I might not be letting the reader think for themselves, in determining who is suspicious, ect, and if I'm going to write things like that I should include a few different sides, e.g. 'she might have something to do with the murder, but she could just be an innocent witness'.
Any Ideas?
Why does my profile have a different status thing? on 9/21/2021 7:02:52 PM
What's nightwatch? Sorry I joined this thing two days ago!
Why does my profile have a different status thing? on 9/21/2021 4:49:49 AM