Olivine21, The Reader
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I write words. Hopefully some of them make sense.
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An article on writing epic story games? on 12/6/2024 9:39:10 PMI finished playing Metaphor Re:Fantazio and wondered if it was possible to write fanfiction integrating the Calander system into a CYOA format. I won't say more then that for now - hopefully it ends up working lol
An article on writing epic story games? on 12/6/2024 9:22:44 PM
Funnily enough, I may end up working on an 'epic story game' myself. The scope was only supposed to take a month (November) but it's quickly gotten out of hand. Since it's still very early days I don't want to go in depth about what I'm doing since, by my estimations, I'm only 13K words deep. (Guessing the project will be 50-80K words. Too early to tell.)
The one thing that's helped me see this project through is the way I've broken things down. With everything planned out, I realised there's actually only eight chapters I need to write, which have their own objectives within them. So far, one of eight chapters have been finished and I've ticked off three of five objectives for the next chapter I'm working on.
I don't know if you're an anxious person or a bit of a perfectionist, but ironically, the one thing I've found that helped my anxious mindset was to stop thinking about it as a 'front page genre defining EPIC' and just imagine you're writing a people pleasing 6/10. Set your expectations lower for yourself, write every day (even if it's shit, you can always edit later) and tick things off your planner once you've done them. Hopefully - it'll keep the work chugging along.
Respawning Items on 11/17/2024 11:29:15 PM
I am unfamiliar with scripting but am willing to learn if it stops this issue. Are you telling me there's a way to change where the item spawns after the player drops an item? That would be fantastic because it'd be easy to make a 'dump' page which the player could never reach.
Respawning Items on 11/17/2024 10:17:54 PM
I have a very rudimentary understanding of items/variables so please excuse me if this is a dumb question. I understand that items can be discovered on specific pages, but is there a way of ensuring that the item only appears *once* when you arrive on that page, so the next time a link is clicked again taking you to said page, the item doesn't appear?
End Master's Crisis Contest on 6/4/2024 6:49:24 PM
Sure, I'll give this a try. Does the crisis have to be world-altering or can it be personal?