Weeaboo, The Reader
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WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT MY PROFILE JUST TO CONFIRM ME BEING AN ANIME FAN??? As my profile name says: I am an anime fan. Specifically of:
Sword Art Online
The Seven Deadly Sins
and Your Lie in April
I would love it if you recommended some to me.
You can also recommend stories to me. Some of my favorites are:
Farewell, My Childhood Self
I love art and really good stories. Cartoons included. Here are some cartoonists I love:
Jaiden Animations
Recommended TV shows and movies:
Stranger Things
Recommended books and book series:
Michael Vey
Five Kingdoms
PM me if you want, I don't bite either.
Just a little thing... I'm not sure if I'm going to be a devoted CYS writer... I don't really even use this site much, anyway. It's not that I'm busy or anything, it's just that there's no one here to update this site. I mean there are people watching over it, but there's really not any updates with the actual site function. It hasn't changed in a long time, to the best of my knowledge. Possibly years. I'm just not... into things that don't change and update.
12 lands go to war in the time of Galatria. 12 kingdoms each composed of their own laws, powers, and even physics are all a part of the Great Elemental Conflict.
This isn't sexual, I promise.
You're actually playing as one of the accounts on a website called Brymlon Macadema. There are - - in total to choose from.
"I don't understand. I don't understand. I don't understand.
Help me. Please."
That's what I wake up to see in my messages. But it wasn't to me... it was from me. To everyone I ever knew and loved. Everyone.
One is never enough, is it? Go on. Go deeper into my mind. I'll be more inviting this time.
Three gangs fight in the city of ---
Recent Posts
An Intro That's a Month Late on 11/22/2016 4:18:18 PMMy profile is kind of my intro...
An Intro That's a Month Late on 11/22/2016 4:16:41 PM
Oh, wait, YOU made a second intro. Duh.
Apparently it's not just my memory that's bad, but it's also my understanding of things.
An Intro That's a Month Late on 11/22/2016 4:12:47 PM
Dammit, I knew I've already made one?.
Well then. I've just made myself look like a big idiot.
Thnaks for telling me. My memory is one of the worst. I don't have short-term memory loss or anything. I'm just terrible at remembering certain things.
An Intro That's a Month Late on 11/22/2016 3:59:18 PM
Hello. I am Weeaboo. (I'm surprised that the name was available)
I've been on this site for about a month now.
(A month late? Really?)
Do you even want an intro?
Cysid on 11/10/2016 4:22:41 PM
Random idea number 4:
What if Cysid used a thing like Evie Cleverbot and responded to your responses if you PM him or if he PMs you for your birthday or something?
Because he seems like a boring mascot at the moment, just wishing you a happy birthday and dueling you.
Shop on 11/9/2016 6:31:50 PM
Yes, I realized after I posted this.
And we really need a programmer. Who is the current one and/or who was coding it?
I possible, I will try to code this site myself. People will probably hate me if I code something weird or soemthing that people hate...
Shop on 11/9/2016 6:23:00 PM
Possibly a stupid idea, but what if our points were some kind of currency? Not a currency we can use to buy real things, but things on the site. I'm not sure what things you would be able to buy... maybe a certain profile picture? Or you could get some sort of new function? Points need some sort of use... because right now, they're pointless (Eh? Get it?)
And maybe we could be told what we can do to earn points and what will cause us to lose them? Like in Points under My Stuff there could be a list of what you can do for points and what you shouldn't do in order to keep your points.
Just throwing ideas out there.
Betting games on 11/9/2016 6:13:22 PM
I really like that idea, but then again a whole bunch of people would use it for quick points for themselves.
Text box on 11/9/2016 5:42:10 PM
I could go more into depth if you need.
Text box on 11/9/2016 5:37:51 PM
Seriously... we need a thing where whatever you type into it, it will appear in places later. The player can type something into this box and do something to confirm it. Like a name or something. And each one can have a certain number of characters that can be typed into it. And the person writing the story can make it so there are multiple throughout the story, and they can change the names of different things or something. And maybe there can be like a number code so that you can name multiple things. And maybe it can be like some sort of type-your-adventure kind of thing. Like some game my uncle showed me where if you type left or right into this place where you can type, then you would go into some room or hallway. I love thinking outloud, but I'm terrible at explaining things ^^;