kantuno, The Contributor
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I am a teenager looking for a good place to read material and write on a good community for free. This is a good website :)
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Looking for a co-author on 7/13/2012 11:33:42 PMTime to apply is over, looks like i'm going at it alone.
Evolution Debate on 7/13/2012 11:30:47 PM
I have a unique opinion, (i think), that is that Evolution is correct. I believe Evolution was kick-started by god, and that the course of life took place because of god. I think that a day for god lasts a very long time, as our lives are a blink in god's eye. The world could've been made in 6 god-days, and maybe the 7th day is when evolution occurred, as god rested. I think this is a plausible solution, although it can cause Atheists and Christians to argue with me :l
2012 presidential election on 7/13/2012 11:24:50 PM
In my opinion, if you are truly religious you wouldn't like either candidate. Truly religious people aren't really interested in worldly things.
Looking for a co-author on 7/8/2012 10:31:46 AM
At the end of the week I will look over this, so please leave a comment if you wish to co-author.
Looking for a co-author on 7/7/2012 2:39:28 PM
My storygame I am working on is about being a Pirate in the golden age of Piracy; living your life and trying to safely reach retirement. Whoever wants to can check it out, it is temporarily published.