monkeyduke2, The Contributor
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Maybe, just maybe, I might post a storygame someday....
Don't be surprised if I place monkey babies in your bed at night
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Help with mommy on 8/11/2014 5:48:10 PMI do believe this type of thing belongs in the Parlor Room
Free art of your personas/characters! on 7/31/2014 3:53:43 AM girls.......
Free art of your personas/characters! on 7/31/2014 3:47:34 AM
Yea bishes
....... sorry, I'm sleepy.
Free art of your personas/characters! on 7/29/2014 3:51:42 PM
Treacherous fool! Your new, colorful cartoon will make a pretty puddle of colors when we sink your white sail!!!!!
Drawing more cartoon shit. on 7/28/2014 3:08:09 PM
Maybe, I might try,but rest troubled that there will be alot of errors.
Drawing more cartoon shit. on 7/28/2014 3:06:42 PM
OH HELL no, I just threw together some cards for the trash talking!
Drawing more cartoon shit. on 7/28/2014 3:02:15 PM
By art I mean more cards.
Drawing more cartoon shit. on 7/28/2014 2:52:43 PM
I know, and I already have artwork already done for it, so I'm really hoping 3J does put me on Drak's team.
Drawing more cartoon shit. on 7/28/2014 2:48:24 PM
That's what I told him, via PM
lol his response:
"Team Drak? Team Aman? What's happening!? Why did Aman try to steal my soul!?"
Drawing more cartoon shit. on 7/27/2014 5:36:20 PM
Wow, it would just be shocking if these cartoons showed up in the Commander tournament, wouldn't it?(it would really suck if 3J didn't put me on team Drak cuz I'm already doin fan-type shit for him)