mr_baggins, The Reader
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Today (May 5th, 2013) I was at the hospital and i got bored and saw some weird stuff going on, so I decided to make an adventure from it. Most of the stuff that will happen is fake but some stuff is real. If you guys like it I might remake it and add variables so that doing bad stuff will make your test results come back bad and good stuff will give you good results. You play as Cole Peerce (ME, DUH).
Based on a few of of my friends, and what they might do in this situation
This game takes place in a medieval world called ghourivia . this story describes an adventure by Hans Lionsbane a castle servant, reply if you want me to make it a series
You have just graduated high school and you've got to do something with your life!
you are a 15 year old boy, whose parents are out of town.
WARNING: this game is VERY realistic and contains sexual refrences,possible drug and alchahol refrences,possible violence, and other assorted issues(language and such)
In this epic adventure, take the point of view of one of 4 adventuers(this is part of a series)
u is capin wit tards. folo up 2 darkgoronlink tarded chronicles pt 1