storygodess29, The Reader

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The Danger Gang

I have been waiting forever for this moment, to finally become apart of them, to finally be accepted. But it seems that even if I somehow pass, will it be a grave mistake?
You live in Berrima a small town close to Sydney, and there just happens to be a hidden bunker in the town; that is connected to Sydney's hidden rail lines. To get into the famous town gang you must pass a test; go to the hidden bunker, you don't know why, although you'd like to find out. Will you go to the hidden bunker and find out what's hiding there?
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The Danger Gang pt 1

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The Danger Gang pt 1

Pt 1 of the danger gang

You walk up to the ring leader; Alec, he’s not what you’d think the ring leader of the strongest gang in town looks like, he has short scruffy light brown hair, electric blue eyes, and isn’t that strong-looking, although he’s a good fighter, or so you heard.

‘Uh, so what’s the first test?’ you ask trying not to sound nervous, yet it was pretty clear you were; your hands were shaking slightly.

‘We’re gonna go down to the river and explore the hidden bunker, that is if you’re not scared?’ he gave you a wicked smile, you had to admit, he wasn’t like other people, different even. You were scared it would be something like exploring the hidden bunker, you hated that place; once you went there with a couple of friends taking a camera with you, but only to find an old homeless man near the entrance, that scared you and your friends enough to walk back home.

‘Err, sure, I’ve only been there once but there was a creep out the front, so we left.’ You say making yourself seem like a fool.

‘Yeah, well this time it’ll be different, way different.’ his facial expression did not match the way he talked. His voice had a smile, yet not his face.

‘So, when will we go to The Hidden Bunker?’

‘I don’t know, when will we go there?’ his face went from expressionless to full of eagerness.