the_quiller, The Novelist
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A twenty-eight-year-old with the impulse control of an eight-year-old.
I'm really too busy to be lounging around the internet in real life, but I've still got free time on my hands because I've decided to replace about three hours of sleep every day with the liberal application of industrial strength coffee. You'll see me around pretty often because when I'll probably be lurking around the site even when I should be at work.
If you've got any questions or if you're looking for help with a storygame, feel free to drop me a PM and I'll see what I can do for ya.
If you'd like me to draw you something, I'll be doing semi-frequent art giveaways, so keep an eye out for any of my random writing prompt or mini-contest threads. Or just drop me a PM, since I'm actually quite easy to sweet talk into just about anything.
A twenty-eight-year-old with the impulse control of an eight-year-old.
I'm really too busy to be lounging around the internet in real life, but I've still got free time on my hands because I've decided to replace about three hours of sleep every day with the liberal application of industrial strength coffee. You'll see me around pretty often because when I'll probably be lurking around the site even when I should be at work.
If you've got any questions or if you're looking for help with a storygame, feel free to drop me a PM and I'll see what I can do for ya.
If you'd like me to draw you something, I'll be doing semi-frequent art giveaways, so keep an eye out for any of my random writing prompt or mini-contest threads. Or just drop me a PM, since I'm actually quite easy to sweet talk into just about anything.
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Recent Posts
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Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback on 3/31/2016 3:01:40 AM
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Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback on 3/31/2016 2:51:40 AM
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Quiller's Art Giveaway Writing Contest Feedback on 3/31/2016 1:47:15 AM