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Writing Prompts #8

8 years ago

Next prompt is on Friday.



1. Pick one of the prompts and write about it for no more than 20 minutes. You can write for longer if you want, but only words written during the 20 minutes count towards your total, so mark where you ran out of time.

2. You will be graded on wordcount and overall coherence. You will not be graded on quality, so write as fast as you can while still producing something that makes sense and would be salvageable with cleanup. It doesn't have to have an ending or form a complete story, but it should at least read like an excerpt from a longer work.

3. When you're done, post your wordcount. Posting your story is optional. We understand it will be terrible.

4. You may go back and work on previous days if you missed them.

5. You may write fanfiction if your heart desires.


Prompt #1: A portal to another dimension opens in the center of a major city.

Prompt #2: A robed dude in front of a shrine


@WouldntItBeNice @Steve24833 @JJJ-thebanisher @Seto @bbshark @Bucky @mizal @FrankIevatus @TheNewIAP @Romulus @TacocaT @Crescentstar @Mayana @Zulutrader

Writing Prompts #8

8 years ago

First prompt.  800 words, sort of? A lot of the names were copy pasted.


---» Engalls ([email protected]) has Joined #secrethateclub
»» GloBot gives channel operator status to Engalls

<@FinalEclipse> hi Engalls
<@Engalls> Hey Eclipse
<@Engalls> Are you still playing Cry to the Moon?
<@FinalEclipse> mmmmmaybe >.>
»» FinalEclipse does not have a werewolf fetish
<@Engalls> Lol
<@FinalEclipse> I beat it last week
<@FinalEclipse> Just testing out some mods for a friend
<@Engalls> What about Codex?
<@FinalEclipse> nah she never bought it
<@FinalEclipse> Codex bad nerd
<@FinalEclipse> she and Jagger keep talking about the real ones LOL
<@Snapper> from that news story? Thos weren’t werewolves ffs
<@Engalls> JAgger raped one, he would no
<@Engalls> *know
<@FinalEclipse> yes I saw them. All true.
<@Snapper> What?
<@FinalEclipse> Jagger is a degenerate. this is not for children’s ears
<@Snapper> oh you meant the rape
<@Snapper> Well, you know what I mean lol. I thought you were saying you saw a werewolf
<@FinalEclipse> lol
<@Jagger> Who pinged me?
<@Jagger> ugh
<@Jagger> Okay Dr. Snapper P. Knowsall, what attacked those kids at the party then?
<@Jagger> They were not dogs. Look at the video ffs
<@Jagger> I can link it again
<@Snapper> Jagger do you dream of werewolves and vampires and gryphons
<@Snapper> and wake up with sticky white fluid in the sheets
<@Snapper> Tell Snapper
<@Snapper> he is here to help
<@Jagger> or just ask Codex, it’s been all over the news. Everything’s going haywire there. And she has SSEEN a gryphon.
<@Jagger> these aren’t new revelations, this is elementary stuff.
<@FinalEclipse> Hi not to butt in but to be serious a moment, you two are always arguing past each other. No one’s saying werewolves gryphons etc. aren’t real, but they’re not ~~~first world problems~~~, they do not just randomly pop up at kid’s parties. I think it would be cool to see one IRL but they’re basically extinct except for whatever handful in like, the forbidden mountains of Ass-End-topia.
<@Snapper> dudes do not turn into wolves.
<@Snapper> cats don’t fly
<@FinalEclipse> talking about actual statistics
<@Snapper> im talking about common fucking sense
<@Jagger> lol ok here’s the obnoxious r/spookskeptics spiel  
<@FinalEclipse> too many reports of attacks on mountain villages, there is some kind of giant wolf and giant predatory bird out there
<@FinalEclipse> vampires are fake as shit tho
<@Snapper> ok I will respectfully end the conversation
<@Snapper> Secure in the knowledge I’m still better than Jagger, as I have never raped a dog through a case of mistaken identity
<@Jagger> you are so kind
<@Engalls> so that’s a no on Cry to the Moon?
<@Engalls> I might get it
<@Engalls> can’t decide. No one I know is playing
<@Jagger> I talked to Codex for hours about this shit though
<@Jagger> you don’t have to believe me but her town is a magnet for this shit
<@Jagger> no one knows what’s going on
<@Jagger> im worried about her :(
<@FinalEclipse> Go and rescue her
<@FinalEclipse> swoop her up in your brave strong arms and tell her it will all be ok
<@Snapper> haha yes
<@Snapper> his shirt will be all off, her bodice popping, there are like mountains in the background
<@Snapper> hair blowing dramatically in the wind
<@Snapper> the ground is littered with monster corpses
<@Engalls> lol
<@Snapper> Fuck I’m turning MYSELF on
<@FinalEclipse> hahaha
<@Jagger> Have you been reading my diary?
<@Snapper> LOL

---» Codex ([email protected]) has Joined #secrethateclub
»» GloBot gives channel operator status to Codex

<@Jagger> codex! Hi!
<@Codex> hi
<@Codex> um
<@Codex> anybody watching the news? Yes that’s us
<@FinalEclipse> ?
<@Codex> I’m kind of freaking out :(
<@Jagger> what’s wrong
<@Jagger> hang on
<@Engalls> the fuck? what is that
<@Jagger> ok holy shit I’m watching now. WTF am I looking at? Codex are you going to be okay?
<@FinalEclipse> looking at it now. jesus christ is this for real?
<@Engalls> I saw something fly out?
<@Codex> I am ok for now
<@Codex> in my house
<@Codex> I saw something too. That is why I’m in my house. LOL
<@Codex> (not really lol. I am freaking out haha)
<@Snapper> what’s happening? What’d I miss
<@Engalls> turn on the news
<@FinalEclipse> fucking giant purple swirly light in the sky, you need to see this Snap
<@FinalEclipse> above Codex’s town
<@Jagger> Codex, do you have water, canned food in the house? Are the police doing anything?
<@Jagger> they’re telling everyone stay inside. You need to stay inside ok
<@Codex> that’s what I’m doing
<@Jagger> omg I’m freaking out now too. You need to stay safe.
<@Codex> that’s the plan
<@Codex> they’re saying there’s energy surges
<@Codex> power went out a few minutes ago, I still have my phone but I’m not sure how long I can stay in contact
<@Snapper> holy shit you guys weren’t kidding
<@Jagger> Codex do you have friends, family, anyone there?
<@Codex> hang on somethings happening
---» Codex ([email protected]) has Quit (Ping timeout: 360 seconds)

Writing Prompts #8

8 years ago

Words: 210 -> I was writing for the entree for the co-author horror contest... I apparently write much slower this way. (Though, I kept on having to look up the character's names which took up some time.)