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My Interpretation of Evigrus

22 days ago
Commended by EndMaster on 9/30/2024 7:13:38 PM

Hoo boy, let's hope I did all my research right.

Hello everyone! I'm Ethan, and I am a long time lurker of this website. Perhaps this isn't the first time somebody has said this on this site, but I am obsessed with Eternal. I have read through all thirteen epilogues multiple times, and about two years ago, I found myself asking, what does Evigrus really look like? Like many, I had a murky, somewhat coherent picture of the continent in my head. But upon searching for a proper map, I only managed to find three different interpretations of the world, with only one of them being relatively close to 'canon'.

To quote EndMaster himself: "... [that's] probably about as close as it's going to get."

Really? I thought to myself. A half-finished map of the continent by a now-banned user is as close as I'm going to get?

So, I decided I'd take a shot at making my own interpretation of Evigrus. By using the map made by the now-banned user as a baseline, I went back and referenced several forum posts made by EndMaster that described the layout of the world. I also re-read as much of Eternal as I could in order to find out where smaller landmarks would be. The culmination of all my work and research led up to the creation of this beautiful map:

My Interpretation of Evigrus (edit: I couldn't figure out how to insert the image so I'll just have to link it...)

Ta-da!! Using Inkarnate, I have created what I believe could possibly be the most accurate map of the continent of Evigrus that exists publicly, including the vague locations of major mentioned cities and forts in each province. It's been exported in crisp 4K quality, which hopefully gives it that extra kick of quality. I linked it using Imgur, so hopefully it'll display in high quality on the website, too.

Now, I know what you're thinking: "Ethananous512, why in the hell is there a big-ass tree in the center of Quala? Why is Arat so red? Why did you put a ton of cherry trees on the border of Quala and Rask? Why is Quala so empty besides the big-ass tree?"

I love Eternal as a story, but once you read it enough times, you realize just how many things go unmentioned. The only named city in the entire Quala Province, the heartland of the Empire, is the Capital city of Qale. And besides a few basic words like mountains, forests and whatnot, most provinces and territories lack solid descriptions for the landscape. Also, I'm a sucker for big trees, and for some reason, I've always interpreted Qale as being built into the base of a big-ass tree.

That being said, there is absolutely no big-ass tree in the original Eternal. I'm sure Arat is probably not as red as I've made it out to be. I did as much research as I could, but I'm only human, and I'm sure I've probably missed some important thread on the site that describes the exact landscape that Arat and every other province has. All that is to say, at the end of the day this just my personal interpretation of the world.

When it comes to geography, however, I was provided with plenty of description! EndMaster kindly commented in several threads describing exactly where each province and territory is. This map does a decent job at placing the locations themselves, but I ran into some issues as I got further and further west. It wasn't until I started this project that I realized just how eastward Quala is. So much land lies to the west that I was actually afraid I'd run out of space.

I'm fairly confident in the locations of each of the main bits of territory. I'm not so confident in the locations of specific forts and cities. While I did my best to interpret where each of them are located, it's very possible I misplaced one or two of them simply because the specific directions are rarely mentioned in-universe. I often had to rely on other landmarks for accuracy (for example, I believe it's mentioned that the Shadow Temple is north of Sinkhole) so if one landmark's accuracy is off, it could affect multiple.

I didn't really see a point to mapping out Dokkrus, Nyttrus, or Mortos, as they all have very little time to be described or explored, and are all separate from one another. Mapping them out would be fun, but would ultimately result in versions of each that fall under my interpretations more than actual canonicity.

This was a very fun project to work on, and I'm satisfied with the result! I tried my best to keep it faithful to the source material, but I also wasn't afraid to add in a few visual details that display how I interpreted the continent of Evigrus, and by extension, the world of Eternal. For now, I will return to my lurking cave, where I will undoubtedly read through all of Eternal again just to verify that this map is as accurate as I could make it. I hope you all enjoy my interpretation of Evigrus!

My Interpretation of Evigrus

22 days ago

It's backwards. Lol

In all seriousness, it's fairly correct, but the original "Mind's Eye Vision" of what the map was supposed to look like would have what you have laid out reversed as far as the Empire being on the "far west" of the continent and then everything else falling into place from there. (So you'd see Nakol on the far east side of the continent.)

However! Even I know I probably fucked up on the east/west directions when I even bothered to mention them at all, so what you got is probably based on what you actually read in the story, so it's fine. You probably also used the thread where I sort of went over the vague directions of where everything was at which makes it canon anyway if I said it right?

About the only other changes would probably be some of the minor powers after the Felkan Kingdom territory, but things tend to get a little messy there anyway. I mostly focus on characters and what they're immediately dealing with, directions were never were never my strong point. Nakol is more like all along that western coastal strip, so the mountain range would be more separating it north-south from the Torites rather than how you have it

Anyway still works for me, mainly because I didn't have to trouble myself doing it and it's more or less correct.

You've been awarded many pointless points for this long absent visual piece for the overall world building of Eternal.

My Interpretation of Evigrus

22 days ago

Thank you very much! I referred mainly to this thread you mentioned, as well as this thread where Fireplay made their interpretation of the map. There were a handful of other threads I got snippets of info from, but mostly just whatever CYS thread results came up when I google searched "Endmaster Eternal map". The Fireplay thread feedback was especially helpful for the more obscure bits of where each territory was positioned.

It's crazy to know that the whole map is meant to be flipped. Funny enough, while I was doing research there were multiple users made comments that they thought Delerg and Arat were reversed, and I used to also think Delerg was West and Arat East. 

The City States and the Broki Kingdom were honestly the hardest to place only because they're wiped out so quickly lol.  A score of more or less correct is satisfying enough for me, though I might end up making a flipped version to see what the OG vision would look like. In the meantime, I will enjoy these pointless points to my hearts content.

My Interpretation of Evigrus

22 days ago

My Interpretation of Evigrus

21 days ago

I've never used Inkarnate because I kind of hate the fact it's a subscription, but this looks really good. Or did you use the free version?

I love that people are still getting into that game enough to do something like this, given Eternal is now older than some of our site members.

My Interpretation of Evigrus

21 days ago

I did use the subscription version, though I usually only use it for my own worldbuilding, stories and whatnot when I feel like it, so I usually only end up subscribing one or two months out of the year. Kinda silly, but the extra stuff you get with the subscription version usually ends up being worth the 5 or so bucks I have to pay to get access to.

And I very much adore the world and it's characters! EndMaster did such a phenomenal job with the story, it truly lives rent-free in my mind